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Speech to Text questions in PPro V22.2.0

Participant ,
Feb 11, 2022 Feb 11, 2022

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So I tried out the speech to text in the newest version of Premiere V22.2.0 on a medical explainer video for my company and in a 7 minute video, there were only about 10 mistakes - with most of them being the word 'rhizotomy' and a couple of 'you're' vs 'your' problems.
It took less than five minutes for Premiere to create the transcript and was extremely accurate in the timing and very east to correct the mistakes for captions which will be exported as a .srt file.
I looked around in the software and on
and I couldn't find two major things:
Imported an already created script file for making sure that Premiere can use the correct words... and even MORE importantly, I cannot see where I can make an addition transcript and captions for the Spanish version of the video - which is contained within the English version file. This is done to make sure all the graphics line up to where they are supposed to be for English and Spanish at the same time.
Is there information about these two things that I am not seeing in the help page and the FAQ?
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Feb 11, 2022 Feb 11, 2022

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No, they don't currently have a dictionary/glossary/commonly-used-words list available. And yes. it's needed. They are aware as it's been asked a TON of times over on the public beta forum.


As to your second request ... do you mean there's two audio tracks, one English, the other Spanish? If so, you might try putting the clip on a new sequence, muting the English track, and then invoke create captions.







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Participant ,
Feb 11, 2022 Feb 11, 2022

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Thanks Neil,


As for the first thing, I can understand that it might come to fruition 🙂


As for the multiple tracks, yes, both Spanish and Eglish are in the file so that I can line up the voice overs to the graphics and if I have to change the graphics, they get changed for both languages. I will try the new sequence idea, but it sure would be cool to have them both in the same sequence for tidyness sake.

Attached is a picture of the audio tracks for reference.2audio.PNG





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Feb 11, 2022 Feb 11, 2022

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A number of users need for the ability to have multiple language Captions/subtitles tracks. Gee, no surprise there these days!







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Guide ,
Feb 11, 2022 Feb 11, 2022

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By far the best work of Speech to text in v. 22.2. At least it's working. Before that, I could not feel it. The only thing this function needs is flexibility on the part of developers to add the possibility of using a second track for a wider audience and flexibility in the settings of the text itself (animation, more complex design, the use of selective color in the text, etc.)





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 11, 2022 Feb 11, 2022

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Here is a link for your feature requests: https://adobe-video.uservoice.com/forums/911233-premiere-pro







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Guide ,
Feb 12, 2022 Feb 12, 2022

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Yep. There would be a sense from this writing on USERVOICE. I monitor people's problems and I don't see the meaning of this voice. Engineers don't read anything there, and even more so here. Many questions remain open.





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Feb 12, 2022 Feb 12, 2022

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Not so. The engineers log every post there into their computer system manually. Period.


They are sorted by issue raised and whether they are a feature request, bug/performance issue (not the same things), and naturally the amount of information. Unfortunately, quite a few bug-type posts are pretty useless as they don't have nearly enough information for an engineer to sit down and be able to replicate something from reading the post.


Why don't they respond to every post? Simple issue ... the time involved. Their team ain't nearly as big as many users think, especially after being assigned to all the parts of the app under work at any one moment. So they do read & log things, but only respond for specific things.


Their experience is that it is a total waste of time to respond to the people who file the short ... "X is broken, fix it" posts. It will take hours to get enough data out of them to be able to sort out the specific problem, let alone try to replicate the problem.


Now, while getting such posts, to get some sort of feel for how many have a specific issue is useful, the posts themselves quite frequently have no use past "we got X posts that seem to be on Y this week".


But when they 1) see a post that has interesting and detailed USEFUL data and 2) is of something they are working on fixing, they are far more likely to respond. But really only if they want or need further information. Engineers being engineers, they want DATA. Full scenarios. ALL details, please.


And I've been told that several of my posts have been considered 'gems' ... because they were lengthy but complete posts of the hardware, media, effects, and processes that led to X bad behavior. With, in a couple cases, media provided. From that one post they could understand the point, and test and replicate.


And I've twice (in a ton of posts over their) had a direct response from an engineer to that post. But I've heard of several others I'd filed from talking with them at NAB or MAX. Yea, they remembered them because those posts got them to fixing something. But they still hadn't responded to the post. I've encouraged them to be more responsive, and slowly, they have been a bit more.


So, from talking with the engineers, I have been encouraging people to file over there ... at length, and in full details. Help the engineers work for us, they only have so many hours available people.


The other part of UserVoice is the all-important Marketing & Experience people, and I CAN NOT OVERSTATE the importance of getting data to them!


They ... exist, is probably a best statement ... well above the mere development/program teams ... and they divine what is truely, really needed by their Magical Metrics. Including the collated reports of all posts filed on the UserVoice system.


Because you see, they divine what we users truely, really, deeply need, and discard what we only "want' and clearly don't really need, from their lofty overview position. And I ain't joking here, folks. If the M&E people think X is needed and Q ain't important, Q gets no engineer time ... period.


I have been interviewed both at NAB and over zoom-style processes by M&E people ... (I think they're people, at least probably ... ) ... and it is an interesting experience. Very odd, but ... interesting. And if you make a triangle of the M&E viewpoint, the engineer's viewpoint, and the typical user's viewpoint ... in my estimation, it's a long pointy thing with two points very close together and one way the heck out there somewhere ... but that one is the contolling point of view.


Remember ... one third of Adobe is the programs we use, one third is the "document" section (Acrobat & other corporate doc handling processes), and one third is development of metrics programming & processes for other mega-corps. For other mega-corps to use to become Adobe-like in their ability to give their users a better experience through better metrics.


And the M&E people, within Adobe, are as stated, well above "mere" program development. Those are for users. M&E is for Corporations. There's a difference there, you see.









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Guide ,
Feb 12, 2022 Feb 12, 2022

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I have no doubt that they are working tirelessly. But, as users of their Adobe product, we need the functions that we point to and want to see. This is only a small part of what is being implemented. The second part of the problem is the never-ending burden of fighting performance. Since we are talking about how incomparably work is being done on errors, then it is the same from update to update. There is nothing new that would prevent us from making a productive Premiere for the most modern codecs and camera profiles. People have been writing for a long time that they do not read the file of the SONY FX 3/FX 6 cameras popular of all time. Is the situation the same with FUJI XT4 cameras? PANASONIC, etc. These are not new problems... It's the same every time and every time. I am not referring to new problems that periodically arise in connection with updates, but I am focusing on old problems. Why build further if you need to solve existing ones. And there are many such problems, they cannot be listed at a time. The most interesting thing is that the forum is full of this every day. But, expecting the best in the next update, we get all the same sores. People are unaware of current processes and suffer from unresolved old problems. That's what I'm talking about.





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Guide ,
Feb 12, 2022 Feb 12, 2022

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And in general, who will hear me on the user's voice, if employees write - vote on the USERVOICE link and that's it. Who is interested there among others, to support your idea a maximum of a few people, if along with yours there are votes for 2-year unresolved problems with hundreds of votes. I have not yet seen in the updates the features that I wrote about in USER. What are the conclusions? Just don't say that they are uninteresting and meaningless. I try to write about the existing shortcomings and non-functioning capabilities of Premiere as a professional product for editing editors. They also point to the possibility of new Premiere features.





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Feb 12, 2022 Feb 12, 2022

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The UserVoice is to communicate to the engineers and get metrics to the M&E people. Period. It's not designed for general conversations with a wider community.


This forum is designed for use by users with the wider community ... but ... this forum is not much use at getting changes for either bug/performance or product changes to the engineers and the all-important M&E people.


Not saying it's a perfect or even great situation. Just ... what is, is.







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