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Hi. I'm trying to find a way to export a video (using in and out on sequence instead of entire clip) with a sidecar caption, that allows for the timecode to be reset at 00:00:00.
Here's the problem:
The goal is to take a finished broadcast version (with bars/tone/slate at the beginning for broadcast) and export it from in/out points with a sidecar file. I need the sidecar file timing to start at 00:00:00 just like the video so when it uploaded online, it matches the start of the video. However, it keeps using the timecode from the original sequence/clip.
Here's what the side car file looks like after export:
As you can see, it keeps the original time code. If I have exported a 30 second video, the fact that this time code starts more than 2 minutes in means I will not have any captions if I put it online.
I have tried to change the export settings on Media Encoder (and Premiere), but I have not had any luck with the "Set Start Timecode" function. Here's how I've been setting up the export. (arrows draw on).
If Set Start timecode isn't supposed to work for sidecar files, what is it's purpose?
I would appreciate any and all advice on this.
Thank you!!!
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Hi @Suzanne5D09,
I got your message. Thanks so much for the response. I apologize that the community was unable to solve your issue. At this time, please contact assisted support directly to help you find a solution to this problem. The chat pod is in the lower-right corner of the screen there. Ask for the “video queue” to reach our digital video specialists. I hope they can help you. Let us know what they say so that the community can stay informed and help others having trouble with the same situation.
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I hope you are still around!
See my post here and the additional workaround right after it.
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From my understanding, the timecode in the caption file tells the player when to populate the caption. If your sequence or timeline starts at 00;00;00;00, then your captions should match that. It appears that your using a different version of Premiere than me, I'm on Premiere Pro 2024. I was having issues with my timeline starting at 01;00;00;00 default and the captions matched but the video exported differently to 00;00;00;00 so my captions were 1 hour behind and not populating in Vimeo. I tried sequence settings, project settings and the export menu only to find there was no solution to my problem. I talked to a colleague of mine and he worked through it with me as he had encountered the same issue before. The setting for controlling the timecode start time is hidden in the timeline hamburger menu in the timeline panel located next to the name of your sequence while it is selected. There you can manually edit the start time, so I changed mine to 00;00;00;00 and problem solved, video and captions now have matching timecodes upon export and play in sync. Still curious as to why the timecode was set to 01;00;00;00 and why it was exporting as 00;00;00;00 when the caption files kept it in the 01;00;00;00 format.
I hope this helps someone else with the same or similar issue.