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Timeline Indicator Jumps Chaotically

Participant ,
Jan 23, 2024 Jan 23, 2024

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When I use my mouse roller over the program monitor the timeline indicator jumps chaotically. This does not happen in the source monitor or when I'm hovering below the video in the grey area of the program monitor. But, when doing a lot of mask adjustments I need to hover over the video near the mouse so I don't have to keep moving up and down thousands of times and invariably accidently not making it to the grey area and rolling over the video causing the timeline indicator to jump chaotically. This is all demonstrated in this video: https://youtu.be/InX5Z3bczrk I've reported this twice now. Please wake the f*** up adobe. IS THERE A WAY TO ADJUST HOW THE TIMELINE INDICATOR MOVES FOR THE MOUSE WHEN HOVERING OVER THE VIDEO IN THE PROGRAM MONITOR????????????????????????????????????? This DID NOT use to be this way. But, like always, adobe has to change things and make our lives miserable until we finally go to for less expensive affordable, better, more stable programs like Davinci Resolve. 






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