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Timeline View Now Jumping Back to Playhead (when playhead's out of view) Upon Pause or Cursor Click

Community Beginner ,
Jan 25, 2023 Jan 25, 2023

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ADOBE, in the latest version of premiere, you've changed a timeline function that's CREATING A MAJOR TIME SUCK.


it used to be that you could:

- set the playhead in motion (play)

- then scroll away from where the playhead is playing (playhead now out of view)

- then you could click your cursor elsewhere in the timeline (meaning timeline view now does not show playhead)

- click in the numbered timebar (which essentially pauses playback)

- and your timeline VIEW would REMAIN where you just clicked (regardless of moving playhead being out of frame)


this allowed you to immediately start editing where you just clicked....SO IMPORTANT!!! now, instead, no matter where you click, the VIEW always jumps back to where the playhead is. i'm so annoyed having to scroll all the way back to where i want to be.


(before anyone says it, no, i dont believe having to create my own shortcut to workaround this is a proper solution - it still requires an extra maneuver and all those little disruptions add up when you're editing for hours.)


Adobe, why did you change this??? it slows down editing so much to have ur timeline view force-jump back to where the playhead is rather than where you clicked. having to go back to the prev. version of premiere in order to get away from this feature is also annoying. i'm seeing numerous editors complaining about it. if people are having to get crafty / create shortcuts to work around something you changed, it is not an improvement - it was a misstep. please change back!! thank you


Premiere 23.1

Mac OS Monterey 12.5

Editing , Error or problem






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Participant ,
Jul 17, 2023 Jul 17, 2023

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This has been like this for so long, I have been on a previous version of premiere for ages hoping this would be resolved, I updated today and regret it immediately. How long is it going to take for them to fix this?!





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