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Transform Effect GPU Render errors - Long term bug

Engaged ,
Nov 20, 2023 Nov 20, 2023

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I'm finaly taking the time to write a bug report here, after dealing with this for at least 5 years...


Here is a link to a Premiere Project, and several output tests that illustrate this issue.


Nesting a sequence that has transform animations with shutter angle motion blur produces errors.

For example, scaling up from 0 to 100 %, the first frame that the layer is present in will reveal the layer at 100%, then flicker off to 0, and then run the animation.


The work arround is to render with CPU only, in either Premiere or Media Encoder- which I don't have to tell you how expensive that decision is on render times.


I keep getting lured into using the Transform effect in Premiere, due to its handy AE style auto motion blur calculations...
For very simple graphic builds that I can (or have been specificaly requested by my client  to) create all within Premeiere, I'll sometimes make the fools mistake of using this effect. It comes back to haunt me whem I'm QCing outputs.

I see numerous posts about related issues, and one I have come across is the use of Transform Effect use, in conjunction with a drop shaddow effect, and 3rd party transitions (wipes etc that have blur in them). The result is that for the transition area, the position gets offset, and then jarringly repositions to where it should be.

This is clearly on the radar, and it would be great to have this effect actually just work as expected in our modern GPU accelerated world.

Or maybe better yet, just integrate AE style motionblur rendering into sequence settings, or clip settings (as per time interpolation).








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