Trims and/or chapters adjusted?
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I get this error when i check my project, does anyone know what causes this problem?
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It's nothing to get anxious about, but the error comes up everytime you want to burn... and there doesn't seem to be any way to fix it except to recreate an entirely new time line. That makes me anxious.
Is there still no fix for this?
I've got a project that I made no changes to whatsoever. Furthermore, there is NO transcoding in Encore (the footage is all exported from Premiere as MPEG-DVD. The project has been burning DVD's fine for a week; now suddenly the dreaded error (after no changes to the project or footage files).
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I realise this a huge bump (almost two years) but I have a solution which worked for me.
I usually automatically generate chapter points using 2 or 5 minute intervals.
This problem came up and my solution was to regenerate the chapter points making sure that I checked the box "delete existing chapter points".
When I checked the project the warning did not appear again.
Why this works is up to the more technical boffins to solve.
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While that might work for your particular method (auto generating chapters), eliminating and recreating ALL chapter points for a timeline in which the creator has set chapter points to scenes (sometimes close to 100 in a two hour time line) is not a realistic solution.
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I fixed this problem by stretching out the ending video file that was in the timeline, for some reason it was trimmed a few seconds in. So when I stretched it back out(put the mouse courser at the end of the video clip click it and stretch it out ), the problem disappeared.
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Interesting. While I haven't run into the issue since upgrading to CS6, this is good to know (and makes sense that it could work). Thanks for posting!
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When using an AVI file and allowing Encore to transcode to MPEG-2 chapter markers will always remain where you placed them as Encore will create an I-Frame & a GOP header at each chapter marker.
When using an imported MPEG-2 file however, it is possible there may not be a GOP header where you want the marker, so it will be automatically adjusted to the nearest one.
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rasmus, if you are sing imported mpeg footage, you can ensure chapters at gop boundaries easily; hold the alt key down while clicked the frame advance/reverse button. It moves by gops. I love this feature. While it usually doesn't matter, there are times where you may have a strong preference for one gop versus another.
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I know we're many months down the road after the initial post, but I had the same issue & solved it by moving the entire clip up the timeline about 2 minutes & back again, It fixed the error message immediately..
I thought i'D post incase anyone is still having this issue in dec 2014
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Thank you, Rich! This fixed my problem, too. Jacquie
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This fixed my problem too! Thanks so much. Simple fix - love that!
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Thanks a lot It fixed the problem although I am not even sure if there was a problem. It only makes me nervous when I have to make 100 copies. and I get an error like this
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That is the reaction I have. This is not really an error message so much as an alert telling you that Encore changed something. It is generally a minor adjustment, but if it came at a critical marker, it could be an issue. I always do a total review again after getting this.
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OMG! Thank you, Rich!
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Quite a few years later and you saved me ! This worked, thanks !
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So how do you get rid of the warning after you have checked and adjusted all the markers that En moved? Also, what is a GOP?
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I assume you still have a problem somewhere. I am not certain, but I think the warning will disappear when the problem does. If you are absolutely certain that you have no chapters off, I don't know what is at issue in a "trim" being adjusted.
You can, of course, ignore the warning and see what you end up with. In some cases, a chapter being moved slightly will not matter. I would try tracking this down, and not just leave it, however.
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I finally (at 3:20 this morning) decided to ignore the warnings and go ahead
with the DVD and the DVD seems to be working as planned.
I readjusted all the chapter markers but the warning remained so I ignored
As for the other error, I finally added an extra chapter marker on the last
frame, left everything at "not set", then set the "end action" for the
ending footage chapter point to that last frame chapter. That got rid of
that error message. It makes no sense because it would not accept "stop" for
the ending for the last segment, which is what you do at the end of a DVD.
I've seen other forum posts about that but I didn't see any suggested
solutions so I decided to try an off-the-wall approach.
I also experienced an error "2925.4559s Aspect ratio not supported by DVD.
Bpgc, time 2925.4559s". It turned out to be (apparently, through a process
of elimination) caused by a menu that was HD size instead of regular DVD
size. It would be nice if the error messages would identify the location in
meaningful terms and I might have figured it out sooner.
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Probably the biggest problem with error messages in En is that most are generated by the Sonic AuthorCore modules. Those modules are the working part of En, "under the hood," and all that we users see will be the abstraction layer. Those modules are notorious for not talking with each other, and not with the OS. Some of the errors are OS related, and again, MS does not do the best at error reporting, especially if filtered through one of the Sonic modules. Poor En gets some error message, and often does not know if it's the OS, or Sonic, or what it's really about. It seems that in a few cases (humorously reported here) it guesses at what the problem might be. Sometimes, it guesses correctly, but sometimes, er-r-r, not so well.
I agree that what you are asking for would be great, and very helpful. In PrPro, when I Import older Projects with missing 3rd party Effects, or Transitions, PrPro throws an error box, telling me the name of the missing Effect, or Transition, and the exact TimeCode, where it should appear. Only way that it could be better, would be something like this, "This Project applies Colorista at 00;00;03;07, and you do not have that. Fast Color Corrector is as close as your list of Effects comes. Would you like for me to apply that Effect?" However, we'd be talking AI along the lines of the HAL9000! Not sure I am ready for that, "Bill, I'm sorry, but your request cannot be honored. My mission is the absolute perfection in this Project, so I can't let you add Page Curl. No HAL9000 has ever committed an error... " delivered in the voice of Douglas Rain.
Glad that you got your Project going. Not sure why En would move the Markers about a couple of sec. of Black Video. Since I do not use Chapter Markers, maybe it's just my lack of knowledge regarding those Markers.
Good luck,
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I'm all for getting projects out the door!
I think the errors could be fixed, but sometimes they can be too resistent.
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GOP is Group of Pictures. This ARTICLE will give you some background and displays.
If one has already done the Transcoding, then the exact placement of the markers may not be possible, as one will be able to ONLY place them on I-Frames and that might well be 15 Frames away.
The secret is to use a non-GOP file, like DV-AVI Type II, set the markers exactly, and then do the Transcode in En, after the Markers have been set. Encore will assign an I-Frame to those points.
Good luck, and hope that this helps,
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I use black for chapter transitions so I have a range of frames where the
markers can go. I did notice that En seems to move chapter points apparently
at random and that might explain it.
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I encountered this error after checking a project with no errors, then reopening it without changing anything. The chapters were created in Premiere Pro CC and included in the MPEG-2 DVD export. I rectified this error by deleting the chapters that were created in Premiere Pro CC, and creating new ones in Encore. The check project gave no errors after this process.
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Right, but deleting and recreating every chapter isn't really a solution.

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