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Its not a bug its by design. Warp Stabilizer does not use proxy files it used the original files.
Alternative you can stabilize clip and then Render and Replace.
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Alright, seems like a really bad "design" though. Would be useful if it could use the RAW files to stabilize but replace the file or stabilize data with the Proxy at least for playback. This kind fo design flaw makes me want to just go back to transcoding instread of proxies - but even transcoding has it's cons.
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I don't use proxies as my original files are intra frame.
This design has been ever since Adobe introduces the in-app proxies.
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They are different video files ... think about this.
How does Warp work? The computer analyzes the file, and based on framesize/rate, makes hundreds to thousands of typically per-frame computations to get a "stabilized" image.
Which massively increased the project file size, as projects of course only exist as metadata.
Proxies have different frame-sizes! So therefore, it would have to re-analyze for that framesize, doubling the metadata of the clip.
No, you do not want that to happen!
And Ann has by far the best advice for Warp workflows:
1) apply Warp and the analysis process
2) check and adjust results as needed
3) do a full render & replace to new media to get rid of the project overhead, project bloat, and computer slowdowns.
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Nest the clip what you want to stabalize.The you can preview staberlized clip.