Just like After Effects, when you Create a new sequence from multiple clips, premiere should offer the option to either: A) Single sequence with all selected clips (current functionality) B) One sequence per clip (requested functionality)
Is it okay to post autohotkey script here for people who need a solution until an official one exists? All you have to do is set Ctrl + Shift + N as the shortcut for New Sequence from Clip in premiere, select your first item in the Project panel, then activate and deactivate this with Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P If not acceptable, delete this but figured it would help someone and you can see exactly what it does here:
;ImadethisscripttoautomaticallyaddclipstotheirownuniquesequencesinPremiere.;Usefulafteryou've marked in and out points on desired clips.
; Must set Sequence from Clip hotkey in Premiere to Ctrl + Shift + N
; This script will press Ctrl + Shift + N, wait 1 second, and then press Shift + 1 to select the Project panel, wait 1 second, and finally press the down arrow key to go to the next clip.
; It can be toggled on and off by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P
toggle := false ; This variable keeps track of the script state
^!+p:: ; This is the hotkey for Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P
toggle := !toggle ; This toggles the variable between true and false
if (toggle) ; If the variable is true, start the script
SetTimer, SendKeys, On ; This sets a timer to run the label SendKeys repeatedly
else ; If the variable is false, stop the script
SetTimer, SendKeys, Off ; This stops the timer
SendKeys: ; This is the label for the timer
Send, ^+n ; Press Ctrl + Shift + N
Sleep, 1000 ; Wait 1 second
Send, +1 ; Press Shift + 1
Sleep, 1000 ; Wait 1 second
Send, {Down} ; Press the down arrow key