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Add Media Intelligence Search to Bins for more nuanced display of shots

Valorous Hero ,
Jan 26, 2025 Jan 26, 2025

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The Media Intelligence search looks great and I believe it'll be better if there was an option to use the feature within existing bins. So, I could search AND list based on further search criteria such as Shot Size or do a Boolean - Shot Size of Coleen. So, I'm looking at Listing Criteria to display based closest match to furthest match AND the ability to 'train' the engine if it displays less than expected results.

So, if I searched CU Coleen AND Indoors, the Bin will display, at the top, all CU shots of Coleen indoors. Then the engine displays other clips in order of search-result relevance with relevance based on the first criteria stated. So, if I searched the following, Coleen CU AND indoors, the relevance will be weighted more for Coleen followed by CU and then indoors and then other clips that are unrelated but perhaps relevant based on the engine's algorithm. 

And when searching from the Main Search panel, there should be a way to place the search results into a new bin. 


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Editing and playback , User experience or interface




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