Premiere pro needs a feature to automatically place markers on beats of audio tracks such as 1bar, 1/2 beat, 1/4 beat etc. Elements had this yet now it's gone and is an industry standard technique.
IdeaNo status
Editing and playback
User experience or interface
Been searching for this too. I'm blown away that in 2024 Adobe doesn't have the capability or technological knowledge to do this. Even Capcut has this feature. It's mindblowing.
The "pro" apps have tended to assume that one either controls such things manually or buys plugins for specialized things like this. Like BeatEdit from
As someone who works for/with/teachers pro colorists, with spendy rigs and monitors, working in Resolve or Baselight ... all the folks I work with have the full Boris and probably a couple other "suites" of things available.
Editors seem to think paying a one-timw $25 fee for a plugin outrageous. I find this all rather humorous.
And btw ... I've got the full Red Giant Universe, personally ...
Auto beats detection is a basic fundamental audio function that should be native. It shouldn't be dependant on a 3rd party add-on - regardless of costs.
It's a basic function to you, but one that most editors will never use. I would have no issue with adding as an effect, understand, I'm all for adding new stuff. I'm explaining why it's not already there.
I think a lot of color tools should "already be there" in Premiere, that sadly, most editors would never use. But at least, I'm realistic about the percentage of people who would actually use the stuff I'd love to have. Not ... very many, truthfully.
I would say 80% of trending social media reels and videos are made where scene transitions are dependant on the audio beat. We must not be talking about the same thing as it's extremely perplexing that anyone is even debating this.
It would be handy for many to have, and I upvoted the suggestion years ago.
But like a ton of color changes I'd love, bluntly, nowhere near that many of the millions of daily users would use it as much as they would something else.
Be realistic. In most uses, if there is music, the music is cut to the clip, not the other way around. And sadly, not nearly enough people would use the color tools I would use daily.
I've talked over that with the devs in person at NAB. They're understanding and polite, but my color requests aren't gonna be high enough to be implemented.
This is probably pretty similar. We all have to have the ability to get out of our own silo and see what others actually do. Especially as no two people ever edit alike. It's wondrously, amazingly variable user to user.
And at just under $100, if you're getting paid to edit that should be less than a day's work, will save you time as you do that a lot. Cost of doing professional business.
A lot cheaper than the Red Giant Universe ... all of which one could argue should also be in Premiere.
Many things are available in Resolve, yet my colorist buds also pay a ton to buy higher grade or just different results. Effects "identical" to ones already in Resolve.
You are clearly lost in the times. Things have advanced, and the media industry has grown tremdeously. It is very much a basic funcation for today society, because of the advancment in social media content, internet content and streaming plateforms. You have more indivduals who are creating, and doing things on their on without the impudent formal training media production industry doesnt even care to acknowledge but often makes people feel like they cannot do it.
Music videos are at a all time high, and even dance videos... You are not realistic about the current circumantances of the amount of people who utilze these tools. I am in the process of learning how to use capcut better because it has more workflow options than premier pro. Like everyone in my generation and below, we do not have the copious amount of money to hire specialist, but we do not want that to stop us from reaching our dreams like how older genrations gave up on theirs.
"The app is a streamlined tool for making videos — especially with effects popular on TikTok, the social platform also owned by ByteDance. Since launching outside China in 2020, CapCut has picked up more than 300 million monthly mobile active users and commands 81% of the total active users for mobile video editing, according to market intelligence firm Sensor Tower."
Adobe premier will lose to capcut some time in the future if they do not adopt the very tools that make it popular, such as beat dectaction. Beat dectation, speeds up editing in music and dance videos, or videos that use music as a background sound. Not eveyone cares about color grading in a world of filters and such, but sound has always been the most improtant element in video production. Even silent films had music because that was a element to keep people engage. no one cared for color yet.
You are arguing that the need for the tool is low ampung the people who use it, but you are wrong because your stance is based on the old guard vs looking at how the industry is growing and who actully need that tool.
You have a very normal, basic flaw in your post. Assumptions based more on your experience and views than a realistic look around.
None of your assumptions about me or my views are even close to correct. You've taken some phrases, based your response on a whole series of assumptions, and ignored other phrases that didn't fit.
That is actually a very normal human interaction though.
If you had actually read, and thought about my whole post, you might have realized that I was explaining something, not defending it. I do hope you understand they have nothing to do with each other.
I've supported all sorts of changes over the years, most of which I will rarely if ever personally use. That is completely out of any possibility though in your mis-assumptions.
Including, I have posted numerous times in arguments *for* including beat detection as a native effect. And in discussions with the devs at NAB yearly. I would guess I've actually *done* a lot more to get the effect added than you have, as I've not seen your "name" around here before.
Next, my mention of color was meant to give a context, an example, of how things actually work. You apparently entirely misread that also.
Everyone in this video post works differently. Never assume *you* are the prototypical "user" for the several million daily users of this app. I certainly realize that I am just one user.
I'm reaching this thread today as my workflow has largely shifted to social media clients; automatic beat detection for these short cut-downs would be incredibly useful. There's a reason this thread has OVER 2,500 eyes on it. People need this feature. This is a basic audio fundamental that plugins are taking over when I already spend over $500 a year on Premiere and Adobe apps. This is embarrasing for this "professional" software.
From my understanding, it's a common feature in prosumer editing apps. Not the "broadcast" style ones though.
But something might come along, they never tell us ahead of time.
I'm someone who works for/with/teaches pro colorists, who are based in mostly Resolve but some Baselight. And besides the massive fx tools of Resolve, nearly all of them have at least one major suite of plugins, typically Boris, but many also have the full RedGiant/Maxon suites. Several hundred a year extra past the software.
And yes, Baselight has a yearly fee also.
And they tend to see editors complaining about needing to spend under a hundred bucks on a plugin and simply roll their eyes.
Take my upvote for adding this. The number of plugins that do this indicates there's a healthy demand for this feature. The Audition used to have this. Bring it back.
It's Feb 26 2025 and another day where automatic beat detection is needed in my current client workflow, based on client needs, for a litany of social media related deliverables that pay my rent and provide me a means to live and we still don't have automatic beat detection enabled as an Adobe internal function. Cool. CapCut was literally banned from the United States and it has beat detection but a paid software that garners over $500/yr annually from each user does not.
When you say it like that, "that pay my rent and provide me a means to live", I'm wondering why you haven't invested in a relatively inexpensive plugin to do that.
Why is that the correct answer to a continued feature request and added feature amongst professional competitors of Premiere? Why is a paid plugin the required correction instead of an additional feature to a program that enjoys over $500 of your money every year?
It's a simply practical suggestion. There are an incredible array of users needs for effects and processes. No matter which NLE is in use, there are always plug-ins needed for some things. Varying by specific NLE of course.
Yea, a built in effect would be great. No question. But I'm not holding my breath, with everything else being requested.
So the request made here is in, and has 7 upvotes to move it along. In the meantime, there are some good and available now options that could help you now.
I'm always happy to upvote feature requests like this, no problem there!
I'm also always somewhat bemused at the attitude of so many editor types.
Why? Well, I work for/with/teach pro colorists. Based in Resolve and Baselight, mostly ... which both have extensive effects "natively" provided in the apps.
And a lot of my video post actual friends happen to be compositors and graphic artists ... you know, the AfterEffects/Nuke & etc. crowd. THOSE apps really have a ton of powerful, 'native' effects
And yet ... All of the people I know in both groups ... colorists and Vfx/graphics types ... have extensive plugins, that they pay a TON of cash for every year.
But they use apps that already have nearly all of those spendy effects they par for in the app!
They mostly all have the full Boris and Continuum, many have everything Maxon/RedGiant puts out, and there are several more ... and they probably have multiple expensive stock/template/effects service subscriptions also.
And, they all just consisder that having all that is just part of having a fully stocked professional tool-set.
They find editors a weird group, in all ... and I do wonder about the vast difference in outlook by editors, against basically everyother segment of video post processing.
And yes, I've got the full RedGiant, and a couple stock/graphics/audio services even for my small shop. Because they are useful tools.
But of course, everyone's mileage always varies ...