I edit a lot of big, long projects in Premiere. Weddings that are hours long, etc... Often times, I use a lot of warp stabilizer filters. Then when I close the project and come back to it another day to export it, the filters will have unanalyzed, leaving the blue banner across the footage. Since I don't have time to go through and scan the entire timeline myself in order to check for these before export, I often either don't notice it until I've already published the DVD and given it to a client and THEY notice it (obviously not good), or while I'm authoring the DVD and skimming through in order to add chapter marks (still not good, as I now have to waste time going back to premiere and re-analyzing, then wait hours for it to re-export).
Is there any feature in Premiere that allows me to simply check whether there are any unrendered or un-analyzed filters in the timeline? Similar to the feature in Encore where you can "Check project" and it lets you know if there are any problems with the project? And if not, can Adobe please add a feature like this?
Either that, or PLEASE make the filters and rendering in Premire more stable, so that closing projects or the program DOESN'T undo them all the time? It's quite the frustrating thing to have happen all the time. And it does happen all the time.
Please and thank-you.