I'd like the option to export closed captions as .vtt files. Some of my clients only accept this format, and doing it manually or with different software is either very time consuming or costly.
We have completely redesigned the captioning workflow in Premiere Pro version 15.0. You will see many dramatic workflow improvements. Please update to the latest version.
Thanks for your thoughtful post. The absence of this feature is frustrating. I do believe they are still working on this, but there is no recent evidence to support that belief.
My most recent update is above. I see no changes in PR 25.0.0 or PR Beta
It is true that srt exports from PR do not include meaningful styling (only in-line tags such as italics/bold). The best option for exporting styling is to use one of the closed caption options. I have not tested any workflows that include converters for closed captions to vtt.
I agree that the speaker names in the PR transcript are not carried forward to the captions - and therefore not to any caption exports. There are plugins related to, for example, animating subtitles from the current PR subtitle workflow. I have not evaluated them. The ones I took quick looks at do not provide for keeping the speaker name. I suspect this is not trivial, since they are relying on a caption track, which does not include the speaker name. I think it is possible to do so by using the caption track and/or srt export and the timecodes and speaker name from a static transcript export.
This post was from January 2023, It is now Jauary 2025. So many updates yet still no VTT for trascription, even though it is used by Zoom, Youtube, and in my instance a stictly internal server to display videos. Due to confidentiality using a 3rd party converter is not an option. Is VTT ever going to happen with Premier
Oouch! A valid point, and yet Adobe with all its resources, and subscription money has yet to move on VTT.
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@Francis-Crossman Well work harder then because it's been a year and we still can't export VTT straight out from premiere pro. Not to mention software is even more buggy.
No update for two years ? Please tell us at what stage the development process is. For info, Blackmagic Davinci Resolve could do this very easely, so we start to think of migrating to this editing and finalizing solution.