1. Running Premiere version 22.6.3
2. Computer is running Windows 10 Pro.
So here is my conundrum. I work in Premiere with dual monitors. Occasionally I need to move both Premiere windows into one monitor (usually right to left). During export in previous versions of Premiere, a separate dialogue box would pop up allowing you to chose your options. While open it wouldn't let you navigate to any other windows in Premiere, right? Right. In the latest versions of Premiere, the new export window no longer comes up as a dialogue box over top of all other screens, but still keeps the "no touchy other screens" deal. SO, if you are unfortunate enough to forget that and try to export via hot keys while the right side window is over the left side window, you are trapped. Escape key will not work. My only option is to navigate to File & then quit just to re-open the project...if I am lucky enough to have not also covered that up with the other window. I've had to resort to force quitting the program several times.
Unsure of what the solution to this problem would be, besides bringing back the older style export window.
Thanks for any help..