The way ducking works in Premiere Pro is somewhat limited. You can apply it to a media which has been tagged. I can understand why - because this tool needs to know, what to duck against. But the media used for ducking has to be tagged as music or ambience only.
So what if there was an option to select a track or several tracks to route the ducking "ears" to them or just use ducking with any tags?
Why one might need this? Suppose I have a voiceover and I want to duck it against another one if they were recorded in a small room with microphones close enough to record an opponent's speech as an echo.
To do this I have to duplicate the track, leave only the left channel in one and only the right channel in the other and use them both to duck against one another. But this way I have to tag them as music or ambience which deprives me of using the helpful tools found in the Essential Sound if the Dialogue tag is set. And you cannot tag a media twice.

So what I suggest is either add a ducking feature to all the tags or just add a separate ducking instrument to be able to use it with any media. As far as I know ducking is made via the Amplitude filter but the ducking feature is only available in the Essential Sound tab when the media is tagged as Music\Ambience. So another way to implement this feature would be adding a ducking preset to the Amolitude filter with additional options where you can set it up to duck against other media or tracks.