In the Bin browser (project window) of Premiere pro, the "Sort Icon" mode in "Icon View" is set to "User Order" by default.
Depending on your workflow this can be pretty inefficient, especially that the untouched "User Order" seems pretty random to me.
In my case, I like to sort them by name in order to browse all on my footage in the order I shot them in. So it already happened to me to forget to sort them by name and finding myself selecting my footage in the random order that is imposed. Let alone the fact that it takes time to change the sorting mode every time I open a new Bin.
I have at least 2 possible solutions for this:
- Let us choose the default "Sort Icon" mode in Edit>Preferences (maybe in "general" or "media"?)
- When we open the "Sort Icon" list, a "(default)" appears next to the default mode, and we can change that either by right clicking on a mode and selecting "set as default",
- Having a "Set default" option at the end of the list which opens a menu that lets us choose default mode.