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Manually flag a clip for rendering (red bar)

Contributor ,
Apr 24, 2023 Apr 24, 2023

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Sometimes Premiere thinks it's going to be able to play back part of a sequence just fine, as it has a yellow bar, but sometimes things overwhelm it that it doesn't expect, like multiple layers, or too many effects, causing dropped frames during playback. It would be nice if we could manually select these sections and have them switch to a red bar so that pressing Enter would automatically render them. 


Obviously, you can currently mark an in and out point and use "Render in to out" which does manually render that section, but if you do anything that causes the render files to no longer be used, then it won't know to automatically rerender that section when you need it again. So having the ability to manually flag clips to render next time you press Enter would be very useful in those situations.


One workaround I found is to use a video effect that has no GPU acceleration, and use settings that cause that effect to not change the video at all, such as Luma Key with both settings set to 0%. But this obviously isn't ideal. More effects will have acceleration in the future, and you also can't be 100% sure it isn't affecting your video in some small way. 

Idea No status
Editing and playback , Performance or Stability






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