I am tired of having to put a layer of After Effects composition on my Premiere Pro timeline (via dynamic link) for adding basic text animations to my edit.
I have made a mogart that allows you to have simple text animation right inside Premiere Pro.
But the thing that is breaking it for me is that the whole line of text can have only a single text style applied to it. In contrast, when working with text inside After Effects, we have the ability to select certain segements of the text and give them a different styling (attached video link for reference).

Ae vs Mogrt Text Styling
This feature is extremely important since design and hierarchy with different styles is very essential to communicate your message. Is this a feature being worked on by the MOGRT team? Or is there a workaround that can be used when exporting from Ae Essential Graphics?
The only workaround I can think of is having your line of text broken down into no. of words. But that breaks the mogrt's original purpose of text animation completely.
Any help is appreciated.