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Multicam new function - "Render and replace"

Participant ,
Jun 27, 2023 Jun 27, 2023

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Hello, I often work on multicam projects, with quite a few cameras (sometimes up to 32 cameras), which is challenging for computer, even when proxies are made.


 For example, a project with 16 cameras in multicam edit, these are grid sources 4x4 and a preview next to it.

 Thinking logically...the computer uses resources to play 16 sources and scale all 16 to a smaller size and separately play one of them in "full quality" preview.

 My idea is, when we switch to multicam to have option like " render and replace" this 4x4 cameras source .

 The benefits are:

 1. Save Time: Instead of waisting time for creating 16 proxy files, we will render, only 1 "multicam render and replaced source".

 2. Easy working on computer: Instead of playing 16 sources+1 preview, computer will play this 1 "multicam render and replaced source" + 1 selected camera will be played.


When I start to work on project I know for sure how many camera I want to view in multicam. 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, did I want to see numbers-name in multicam and it didn't change until I finish project. So for me this kind a function"multicam render and replaced source" will be perfect.

Idea No status
Editing and playback , Performance or Stability , User experience or interface






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