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new update 2024 grinds my gears

Community Beginner ,
Oct 21, 2023 Oct 21, 2023

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Many features are totally slowing my workflo drastically. Since the update i've been very frustrated, you should have left all of the previous benefits and installed more. but you completely change small details" that helped a lot. I've been postponing writing here because i figured I would eventually figure everything out, but everyday I manage to find something new that makes me very frustated. making me think that it would be better of if I started learning davinci resolve and change systems in a year.
The first one is that you forced me to change a big session I had on premiere 2022. i used to work very fast in that version, algo regarding subtitles. but suddenly you forced the 2024 update And I literallly lost a day of work solving many issues from my session that did not upload automatically.


afterwards Ive encountered many issues with transcripts and subtitles in 2024 premiere, the first one being that sometimes I like to work in ONE session, and only change some videos and then RE transcript the session. and I also only liked selecting a transcript from a starting-ending point 


It was very easy before.  but you changed something here and  now, sometimes the "re transcript" option is not available, and sometimes it is, and i dont even know why, I open 1 more session and copy-pasdte everything there, and still cannot transcript again. I close and open the program and now i can... so never knew what happened.. then i select only a starting ending point for the transcript and when I hit the box that selects (transcript form starting ending point) then the blue button "transcript" turns off. so I have to make ALL of the transcript again.

extremely frustrating.


also, when i zoom out a lot and select a wide range of videos from the timeline and want to drag them up or down, it frustrates me that you don't make it mandatory that the clips dont move a milisecond. It is OBVIOUS that this will be what most people expect the program to do. but NO.... i made 9 efforts and to drag it exactly below, and it always moved  between .9 ms, -1. -3 .4 etc.. NEVER .0 WTF?¡


iT HAS A LOT OF BUGS I cant even remember most of them But daily i encounter many things in premiere that really just frustrate the hell out of me.

You really don't lok like the top of the chain editing program anymore.


Idea No status
Editing and playback , Performance or Stability , User experience or interface






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Oct 21, 2023 Oct 21, 2023

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I totally get the frustration. But for some practical help ...


First, you don't have to update ... ever, really, it's a preference setting in the CC Desktop app. A lot of users haven't gone through and set that ... and yea, then it bites your backside.



Like shown here, turn that OFF!!!!!


One caveat ... even with that turned off, if you install a new major version, like 23.x adding 24.x, the install dialog will pop up with "remove prior versions" selected ... again, turn that OFF.


I've got back through 2018 I think on my current desktop, my older now backup rig has back through 2015 ... including SpeedGrade. Ah ... oh well.


@Stan Jones is pretty awesome on the TBE ... text based editing ... stuff, might be able to help there. He knows how it works, what's ... odd, but manageable ... and what's simply broken at any one time.





Community Expert ,
Oct 21, 2023 Oct 21, 2023

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> sometimes the "re transcript" option is not available, and sometimes it is, and i dont even know why


The trick is always being conscious whether you have a Source transcript or a Sequence/Static transcription. As long as you are in correct Transcript view (sequence or source), you should get the re-transcribe you want.


> I like to work in ONE session, and only change some videos and then RE transcript the session. and I also only liked selecting a transcript from a starting-ending point 


I suspect that you would prefer only working with sequence/static transcripts. And the transcribe in to out still works as it did before.


Next time you run into one of these issues, post with a screenshot. It is easier to help.










Community Beginner ,
Nov 02, 2023 Nov 02, 2023

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Thanks a lot for the help you guys!





Enthusiast ,
Nov 02, 2023 Nov 02, 2023

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Quit updating and your gears won't have to grind.  As Neil stated:"keep a previous version."





Community Beginner ,
Apr 29, 2024 Apr 29, 2024

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Seriously!!! This!!!! The new update has totally disrupted my workflow, it's so unintuitive and UNNECESSARY. Adobe, PLEASE DO LESS. The program was working fine for me for years. This new interface and update is wasting so much of my time by forcing me to look up forums for a wat to REVERT TO THE OLD LAYOUT. Itʼs so disruptive that I am honestly considering switching software. So absurd. Whyyyyy did you do this for no reason. So frustrating. Again, just DO LESS. If it ain't broke, don't fix it ... i.e. don't make it suck and impossible to use or want to use for no reason. 





Apr 29, 2024 Apr 29, 2024

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Hey, we all get the frustrations. Totally.


But have you read Stan's explanatory reply? As most everything you could do before you can still do now. As easily. IF you know the changes, how the old and new options play together.


The new changes actually allow for more varying workflows. At first, you do have to adjust. But understand, for many thousands of other users, if not millions (several million daily users ... ) the new options were a massive uptick in capabilities.




