mpeg2 is a standard delivery format for several television stations we deliver paid programs to. It is presently a pain to get those particular files encoded with captions and I am going to look at other NLE options if Adobe doesn't get on the ball and add this soon...
Please add embedding captions to mpeg 2 with PP or ME. Every show I do requires it. Why is the ability to put captions on the timeline if we can't use it.
Seconding. This is becoming completely necessary for broadcast requirements that do not accept sidecar caption loading, MXF, Quicktime, etc, for EIA/CEA-708 captions. Please add MPEG-2 as a format to accept embedded captioning, since ME and PPRo do everything else fine with an MPEG-2 program stream it seems. Currently, other services are needed to then inject embedded captions into MPEG-2 programming in order to meet with ingest compliance for captioning commercials, paid programing, and full length programming.
I have clients who are sending media with closed captions made in ME and PPRo but I have to resize the media (we are a 720HD MXF and they are sending 1080HD MP4). The need to keep the embedded EIA/CEA-708 captions in the media is important. The fact that our workflow with customers is Adobe and we lose the CC is ridiculous. Please make this a priority.
I'm surprised with the new(ish) speech-to-text feature introduced to Premiere Pro since this post two years ago, that this feature request isn't a higher priority and taken more seriously by the product team. The speech-to-text feature, which is an AWESOME addition, is essentially still UNUSABLE in the broadcasting world, because we don't have a way to deliver captions embedded in mpeg-2 files. Our TV station, as well as many stations, doesn't accept sidecar files.
YES!! How is this not just part of the ecosystem? Instead I need to resort to all sorts of hacks or just say... sorry, my software can't do that... 😞 a-dobe.
My standard delivery for broadcast commercials is MPEG2. It's frustrating that I have to export MXF for captions. Most clients can't even preview that format so I have to also export a preview version and assure them that there will be captions on air.
Please add this capability to Premiere Pro. Frankly, it is both surprising and disappointing that in 2022 Adobe is not supporting accessibility standards for broadcast media with it's flagship software.
This is a CRITICAL FEATURE THAT IS NEEDED NOW!!! It is unbelievable that Adobe does not have this ability. I send out several 30 min shows and 200 commercials a month and EVERY STATION needs embedded mp2 files for broadcast.
I found a 3rd party plugin to export .mp2 files with embedded captions but they want $1600 for it. That is a CRAZY price when Adobe should include this option. Come on, Adobe. Help us out, please!
At the least, you should warn people that their subtitles will not be imported/exported if you don't support this. Silent failure can lead to confusions!
The reason all the posts in this thread have the same (1/24/23) date is that is the date this feature request was ported to the new Ideas forum. So as you can see, no posts since.
There are a couple other threads, but I do not see a method for using a third party option to embed in mpeg. Anyone?