The blur effect Fast Blur has been depricated. Sure, Gaussian Blur theoretically superceeded it. But one of the main issues with Gaussian Blur in both Premiere Pro and After Effects is that the contrast enhancement creates hard transitions to black and negative values.
AE's Fast Box Blur has an algorithm with much less contrast but maintains all positive values which for higher blur values of full video/images is often more preferred.
Can we please have Fast Box Blur in Premiere Pro as well? We are not able to create blurs without negative values at the moment without third party plugins.
I wouldn't mind if multiple blur algortihms would get merged into a single Blur plugin with a dropdown menu to choose the algorithm. The more options the better.
State of Gaussian Blur:
State between Fast Blur (depricated) and Fast Box Blur from AE:
uni.Blur for comparison, alternative algorithm/appearance/quality: