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Premiere home screen ideas

Participant ,
Apr 15, 2024 Apr 15, 2024

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I have some ideas which can improve the home screen of Premiere:


1. Selecting another home screen folder location is very slow. There is such a thing: copy the folder location in Explorer and then paste in Premiere to immediately access the folder. Instead, users have to endlessly click to traverse the folders to reach the destination. An input where the folder can be simply pasted would be welcome. As in Windows Explorer or as in Adobe Bridge, clicking on the folder path transforms it into an input field.


2. The scroll speed. It seems that every Adobe application is contaminated with this slow scroll speed. It is incredible that the software designers, project managers, IT specialists, beta testers, all those folks are completely unaware of the slooow scroll speeds? One whole rotation of the mouse wheel scrolls several tens of pixels. When the list is long, it takes hours to scroll to the bottom!


3. Expand to the current folder - when restarting Premiere, the home screen remembers the last folder location, but on the left side the current folder is not expanded. Clicking a disk in the "Decives" list goes back to the root.


4. There is no "Back" button.. Once I click a "Device" (eg. drive D), there is no way to go back to that deep folder I was visiting before...


Idea No status
Import and ingest , User experience or interface




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