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Premiere Pro 2023 export page is not intuitive

Explorer ,
Nov 20, 2023 Nov 20, 2023

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Adobe lately has a real tendency to think it is decluttering certain menus and pages in their apps but in reality is just adding more clicks for users to have to go through. The export media page in Premiere Pro that used to open up a simple Media Encoder related pop up window now is a full page export page with a million twirl-down options that nobody asked for. 

I always am tweaking the bitrate max for H264 depending where I upload. Here's how it worked in older versions, 

Export (click) > H264 (click) > scroll down past all the info shown on one page with scroll bar down to target bitrate, enter in number I want (click)

Here's how it works in newer Premiere Pro:

Export (click) > H264 (click) > Video twirl down (click) > target bitrate slider still not showing up, have to click on "...More"  for some reason (click) > how I can type in bitrate (click). 

Granted if you open up the export page again it will already be unfolded from last session, but good luck if you need to go into Audio, Multiplexer, Captions, Effects, Metadata, or General, they all have their own separate individual twirl-downs you have to click click click click click click through to change. 

Again, I get that it's decluttering but if the export page looks to spooky for new users, just go download Final Cut or something more your speed. Adobe's going to wear out my mouse at this rate lol.

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