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Premiere Pro CC: can blue text interface be changed back to yellow?

Enthusiast ,
Oct 06, 2014 Oct 06, 2014

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Just wondering if there's an option in preferences to change the color of the interface text. It used to be yellow and now it's more difficult to see.

I notice the blue text across the entire range of updated programs: AE, PP, Photoshop, etc.

So is it a setting in the cloud itself that would allow me to change the color back to yellow?

If not, not big issue, I'll just have to get used to it. Love the new interface in any case. Much more responsive with no issues.

Thank you, Adobe!

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replies 337 Replies 337
Participant ,
Oct 11, 2015 Oct 11, 2015

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Even Adobe don't use the new versions of their own software.

Says. It. All.





Participant ,
Oct 11, 2015 Oct 11, 2015

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Not really. Razor blade tool and a crossfade is all you need.





Contributor ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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I can't understand who signed the new GUI of Adobe programs. It's nightmare:

- flat unintuitive and hard to decode fast
- unnatural with phoney 70-es exaggarated colors like magenta and blue
- icons in project panel are now gray; lacking the last bit of see & recognise them fast

- toggle buttons (like for SNAP) are now blue without square shade and har to know what is on/off !!!
- blue kills the eyes

Upper written for Pemiere Pro

- Speedgrade for instance have such tiny font that I must come to 20cm to the 23'' screen (no, my Eyes are fine. they are so so small that they are already aliased and not even solid; like in premiere fonts are small but not that small)
- fonts in speedgrade are dark shade on even darker shade... almost impossible to read.

I use CC 2015.1 just for some specific needs. Everything the old CC (2013) is better. It's like comming home, such a relief to see a WAY MORE NATURAL GUI from older Adobe Premire pro.
- nice, non intrusive colors

- shadows makes easyer to distinct different parts, buttons...
- coloured icons
- shades uder buttons
- no BLUE!!

Adobe, consider giving us option. After all YOU CAN integrate new feature in older CC programs as well, or upside down, use older GUI in new versions too. I bet everything is compatible.

PS: Latest DOT ONE update really pleased me. I hope DOT TWO wil fix this impossible disign, no one likes.





Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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no one likes.

I like it.  Looking at some tutorials online from older versions of PP, I prefer the blue to the yellow.





Contributor ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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Blue color is only the tip of an iceberg of this disastrous redisgn. I have multiple version of same programs installed, so I know what am talking about. Working professionally 10 hours per day is something else than watching tutorials on internet, where you line blue over amber. In professional workflow moments count, if GUI is more intuitive and easier to decode for brain.

New redesign is disaster. Maybe looks nicer to some (not for me), but lost usability. I didn't bother with it for so long since I never used any CC2014 app because of it, and now I force myself to use it at some projects because of 2015.1 new features. Mostly I still use CS6 and initial CC for my work.

I ask myaself, why paying CC if I do use most of aps older than CC?





Contributor ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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Snemanje, I could not agree more.  WOW ... this STILL has not been fixed??  This is YEARS now ... pathetic.  I dropped my CC subscription over this nonsense, hoping to return once this debacle had been resolved.  I mainly use After Effects, but it was the same issue there with a thread (or threads) at least this long ... well, until Adobe decided to kill it for some reason.  

Actually, a user had figured out a way to change the key-frames and other things back to yellow -- after we had been promised by Adobe over-and-over that it would change in forthcoming releases.  I had already cancelled my CC sub, so could never try it, but I suspect that's why the thread was removed.  Someone actually tries to help other users with a real (Adobe-created) problem, and they do that ... nice.

I assume the issue still persists in After Effects (if anyone knows different, please let know) as the two programs seemed to be addressing the issue at the same pace. 





Participant ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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Timmy I think the  discussion on how to change the color of key frames you are looking for is this one: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1980722?start=0&tstart=0http://






Contributor ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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After Effects of course have blue keyframes – still. But different apps had different level of GUI refinement.

It seems as Adobe put less or more effort to redesigning GUI, based on popularity of software.

After Effects is actually the best out of all bunch, since they do not want to ruin their flagship program, too much. Other than blue color I have not that much complaint over AfterFx, as it is not as dark as Speedgrade, for instance. But: The buttons are just colored, without shades. Impossible to tell what is ON or OFF. You just must know – blue is ON, white is OFF. Not even glow around icon, they put. And if we are at it, it would be resonable that what is ON is LIHGTER/BRIGHTER as it should resemble LED light is lit on under button. But they decided that "light" in a button go dimmer when it is ON (from white to darker blue). Go figure. So now you must look at buttons and "decode" what is on/off (think of, remember, process), than do whatever you wanted to. What a waste of time and brain energy at the end of workday.

So the next by quality of GUI redesign is Protoshop which is changed even subtler than AfterFx. I do not like flat look of it, and all like-each-other buttons, but it is somehow passable for as little I use them (maybe this is – I do not use them so much I would hate them, or change is not that great).

Than, Premiere Pro – Oh, it is hard to look at that magenta and cyan colors. IT resembles CGA computer graphics from 1981! Who loves this? Is that nostalgia on 4 colors? Flat look, as  well (since with 4 colors wasn't possible to make shading).


Than comes all the rest of programs I didn't look at. But at the end of the list sorted by redesign quality is SPEEDGRADE. It is soo bad I almost cryed today. I rarely use Sg and I used to use old version until recently. It seems Speedgrade is on leave now. Fonts are so small on 1:1 on screen, it is hard to read (fuzzy, aliased), text is so dark it is barely visible ...


But there is Lightroom... Remains completely unchanged! Adobe tried to touch it too, with new import dialog. Users (including me) jumped to moon against it, and they return old import after good month.







Contributor ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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Thanks, Claude ... that's actually not the thread I was talking about (it was many, many pages), but good to know the info is still out there for others to view as well.

Do you happen to know if they (Adobe) fixed the "project window icons all looking the same -- all grey" issue?  That was equally as bad, IMO.






Participant ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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TimmyCrackCorn a écrit:

Thanks, Claude ... that's actually not the thread I was talking about (it was many, many pages), but good to know the info is still out there for others to view as well.

Do you happen to know if they (Adobe) fixed the "project window icons all looking the same -- all grey" issue?  That was equally as bad, IMO.


No I don't. I must say I don't follow much all this discussion, having totally lost hope to see a change in those damn colors! It seems a habit here that when you ask for a change which is demanded by a majority of users, you wont be listened; this discussion is now 8 pages and run since 2014 if my memory doesn't fail me; as Fellini said " E la nave va"..... We have in French a say: "the dog barks the caravan goes on"...





Community Expert ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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There is no point in complaining in the forum, if you want something changed you will have to fill out a request form.

Feature Request/Bug Report Form

But dont hold your breath regarding the colors.





Contributor ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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Colors so bad...I had to stop using the program.

Nice job design team.





Enthusiast ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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Ann Bens wrote:

There is no point in complaining in the forum, if you want something changed you will have to fill out a request form.

Feature Request/Bug Report Form

But dont hold your breath regarding the colors.

Yup. An Adobe rep popped into this thread awhile ago, basically inferring that there's no way the UI is going to change in the foreseeable future (Adobe has invested boatloads of money in their current tron-inspired UI, and won't be backtracking on that until the next UI overhaul). He also let us know that Adobe doesn't really pay attention to the forums; if you want steps to be taken to resolve this issue, the only effective course of action is to fill out a Feature Request and Bug Report.





Participant ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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Ann and Derjis Sorry but it happens that I have posted a request, and I'm not the only one so sorry but my complaints here are that wathever you say you're not heard. But as usual Adobe is right and the customer's wrong. Thanks and good evening. While I'm at it merry Christmas and a very good 2016.






Enthusiast ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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I've filled out a bug report and a couple of feature requests regarding this issue, as did most of the people involved with this thread from the beginning. Adobe kind of listened to that feedback, and made the contrast somewhat adjustable with CC2015; the Adobe rep made it quite clear that any changes beyond that were off the table (presumably until the next UI refresh). Adobe has a hard enough time putting out releases that aren't totally broken; even if they were inclined to do a UI refresh ahead of schedule, I assume they wouldn't have the manpower to actually get it done in a timely fashion.

I'm not saying that posting a feature request and/or bug report is a guarantee that Adobe will implement those changes; it's a guarantee that someone from Adobe will at least look at those change requests, though. The forums are intended as a user-to-user help resource, with a few mods who poke their heads in from time to time; they can run things up the flagpole, but the mods' reach is severely limited. We're all just shouting into the void, here.





Participant ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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Derjis a écrit:

.... We're all just shouting into the void, here.

So I see we're on the same wave length. I might seem a bit nervous about this but my remarks go far beyond this question of colors. I wrote to Adobe management about the forum harassing me with constant moderation, It took nearly 3 months to have it stopped and now here it goes again. No letter from the director in charge of international customers. And I could give other examples of this way of treating a customer. I'm not a professional so the use of Adobe's softwares is not for me mandatory but at least I demand, and I use this term in its strongest sense, to get some consideration from my provider when I pay about 720 euros per year.





Contributor ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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Same here, Claude ... I don't understand why my posts must go through moderation first.  I've never made  a personal attack on anyone in the forums, including Adobe staff.  Have I expressed my frustration with the color and other interface changes ... of course.  I too have also filled out a request form a number of times for this issue.

It is not impossible to make Adobe listen ... there are actually two very real ways:

1) People vote with their wallets, like I did ... seriously if everyone this effects dropped their CC subscription, I think they would listen.  I feel like most people COULD do this (I realize some could not possibly), but MOST will not unfortunately.

2) The other is a group action that I'm surprised hasn't already occurred, but what not be surprised to see happen in the near future.

Just wish they would do it of there own accord ... I don't see why having the OPTION to change the color scheme is such a big deal.  So many other apps allow you skin and change the color scheme to what fits you best, it just doesn't make any sense.

Take care,






Contributor ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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No I don't. I must say I don't follow much all this discussion, having totally lost hope to see a change in those damn colors! It seems a habit here that when you ask for a change which is demanded by a majority of users, you wont be listened; this discussion is now 8 pages and run since 2014 if my memory doesn't fail me; as Fellini said " E la nave va"..... We have in French a say: "the dog barks the caravan goes on"...

True... I filed endless bug/feature reports for various improvements. It seems all demands that are greatly supported over forums are not implmented. But those new features that are implemented were never mentioned on any the forum. So I ask myself who have the power of decision: Some dedicated minority, we paying users are not part of it? Or some consumer users, they are used to SmartPhone simplicity?

Same saying in Slovenian language exists: "Psi lajajo, karavana gre dalje".





Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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I filed endless bug/feature reports for various improvements.

According to you they are improvements.  Others users may have a different opinion about this.

FWIW - I have seen many user ideas incorporated in to versions over my longtime usage of this product and these forums.

Some great, some excellent...some bad ...and some that I definitely classified as "Feature Creep"  ie worthless improvements designed by geeks to show off.  Proven by the fact that they did not really work and had no user backing.

The yellow / blue issue is kind of a weird one though.  My optics are fine with the blue but I am aware that some have optic issues and I sympathise...without really knowing from experience how bad that actually is for them.  I am a little sceptical about some of the claims though.  The blue color is used across many other UIs.

Its my opinion that corporates need to be aware of their consumers / users needs and requirements ...but not swayed by them.  Tyranny of the minority...a recipe for chaos.

Adobe makes me wonder a bit at times but generally I am a well satisfied and happy user.





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Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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shooternz a écrit:

Its my opinion that corporates need to be aware of their consumers / users needs and requirements ...but not swayed by them.  Tyranny of the minority...a recipe for chaos.

Shootemz you're right but tyranny of the majority can also bring chaos. In fact I think what could be the solution is to have in the preferences of the software the same option there is for choosing the label colors, leaving to the user to choice which corresponds best to his vision. The same goes for the character's size.





Contributor ,
Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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My optics are fine with the blue but I am aware that some have optic issues and I sympathise...without really knowing from experience how bad that actually is for them.  I am a little sceptical about some of the claims though.  The blue color is used across many other UIs.

... yes there are improvements in Adobe's programs - as you said: Anything from excelent to not so good. But from CC improvements as it seems are sometimes only there for justify the subscription we are endlessly paying. My opinion is that traditional selling model of software demanded more sofisticated and well thought improvements to be able to move people to buy upgrades. Now... we are all "testing group". If something goes through silently, it is ok, if not, they eventually fix it.

It is not only "Blue" issue. My eyes are certainly blue-problematic at certain contrast ratio between blue and grey. CC2014, I could not read at all. I have great problem to read bright blue over dark background. Any blue neon sign I can not read att all at night, letters just scrambles. At day, there is no problem.

CC2015 fixed it to extent, I could find bearable level of brightness between blue accent and background. I dialed down all oversaturated clip label colors, thanks to option in preferences. I can work now with Premiere - but it is not yet desirable or perfect.

I asked one guy from Adobe stuff about color dial in preferences. Why we have BRIGHTNESS slider but no HUE slider, so we could dial different accent color, too. He said it is a problem implementig that, because color in program code is defined at many places; one slider is impossible though.
I accept that...

Problem is broather: First - adopting something "all other do". So if Apple doing all white, Microsoft did it too (Office2013). But is that the right or good way? Eventually they fix it back to more colorfull in Office 2016. I hope Adobe will adress that also and do something that editors/designers will have easier and more efficient workflow, not that UI will be more attractive to new consumer buyer.

New GUI lack several visual cues that previous GUI had, not to mention nicer, more organic look. Opening Premiere CC2013 after CC2014/15 is like tasting homemade steak after eating processed sausage. Not to mention Speedgrade. Please Google for screenshots regarding ald version compared to new (fonts, buttons, shades, dials). Amber color against blue is only tip of an iceberg. Even I would probably dismiss color issue if all other would remained intact.

2015.1 brought great new features (for which before buying expensive third party software was only option), and new welcome dialog is great improvement over 2014, and even over CC2013. I have patience to wait CC2016 for good fixes for GUI as well. But we NEED TO tell what our opinion is, so Adobe will have orientation which direction to go. Just ranting "I hate blue" or "I like it" is not good enough.

I invite all users, to express argumented thoughts about real usage and issues they might have. And than all together will get better GUI as we hoped for. I can say for buttons: They need square shades under icons, when they are engaged, not when you mouse-over them (in the first, it is visual cue, in the later, it is only ornament, without usable value). Than switching colors: So dark (grey) is for OFF and bright (white, blue, etc) is for button ON.






Dec 20, 2015 Dec 20, 2015

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I don't understand why my posts must go through moderation first

I've been seeing a LOT of that myself lately, where it never used to happen.

I suspect it's a spam-prevention measure that may bit just a bit overreaching, and not specifically directed at you.





Contributor ,
Feb 01, 2016 Feb 01, 2016

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Well i guess it is time!

Been 2 years waiting for a new UI i can see...again!

$1200 over two years and i am using an old version of PP that has the gold/yellow. Its only one ahead of my DVD version of Adobe 5.5

so i guess i am going back to the DVD 5.5 version

The wife asked if the had updated over the 2 years and i said no and she asked why i was still paying $50 a month for it?

I didn't have an answer for her so i am cancelling today

If anyone has some better news for me please let me know and i will stay with it.

Going through this has really taken a lot of joy from editing from me.

This feels more like a Russian bureaucracy that an American company seeking to keep its customers happy.

It would be one thing if they had not started out with a great UI and degraded to a crappy one.

So goes America!





Enthusiast ,
Feb 01, 2016 Feb 01, 2016

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Welcome to a world where corporations are tripping over themselves to emulate the Apple business model: "Our customers are stupid, and we hate them! We know what's best, so shut up and give us your money, rubes!"





Contributor ,
Feb 01, 2016 Feb 01, 2016

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I didn't used to feel that way about adobe ....but hated apples attitude so i smashed my iphone and went to android.

Now unfortunately i think of Adobe in the same way as Apple.

I did notice a competitor using an interface that looked very close to the old Adobe UI and ill bet that is why they will not change back




