Hello folks,
Quick question -- is there a way to set a certain list 'View Preset' as the default for the Program panel when creating new projects?
I teach video editing courses, and the two most basic properites for a video clip are the frame rate and the resolution. In list view, the Frame Rate column is right there after Name, but Video Info (Resolution) is waaaay down the line, after a bunch of comparitively useless columns.
I know the easy fix of clicking the hamburger button and Saving a New View Preset, and from then on you can switch to it for any project and it retains that view upon reopening, which is great! However, my students often start new projects throughout the semester, and every new project starts with the defualt view. This isn't a huge issue, but the new project process is already cumbersome enough for some of these kids, with me having to remind them that aside from name and location, they should completely ignore the absurdly broken "Import" screen that Adobe created (separate rant/topic/feature request).