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Project Manager - enhancement request - enable "Select all" for choosing sequences to copy

Participant ,
Feb 06, 2023 Feb 06, 2023

Copy link to clipboard


I use Project Manager to consolidate/copy all the project files to a new folder in preparation for offline archiving/storage.

For this use, I want a complete duplicate of the entire project.


In the project manager dialog box, it presents a list of every sequence in the project with a checkbox.  I can't use "Cmd + A" to select all the sequences and have to enable the check one-by-one.  With a project that has a lot of sequences, that takes time and can be error-prone if I don't double-check to make sure I haven't missed any of the sequences.

A "copy all" option or the ability the use select all (CMD + A on a Mac) to toggle all the checkboxes on would be very helpful.

Is there a way to do this now that I am overlooking or unaware of?

Idea No status






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Community Expert ,
Feb 06, 2023 Feb 06, 2023

Copy link to clipboard


Sounds like this should be implemented.


However, please be aware that the Project Manager works well with footage, not so much with other assets. Although After Effects Project-files (AEP) do get copied over, any asset used inside these compositions do not. Pretty lousy if you discover later on that the fancy logo is missing in the copied archive...





Participant ,
Feb 06, 2023 Feb 06, 2023

Copy link to clipboard



Yes, good reminder that Project Manager has it's quirks.

In addition to not handling Adobe After Effects linked assets properly, it flattens the physical disk structure tree to a single folder.

I can deal with the flattened folder, although not ideal, because at least the bin hierarchy inside the project is maintained.

For AE, I'm not using a lot of assets right now, so I render them out to a ProRes file and import that back into the project.

A hack, but easier to deal with than not being able to use Project Manager at all.

For other video assets that I want to keep in the project, like rendered exports or footage unused that I deem part of the project, I create a dummy timeline sequence and drag all those video assets onto the timeline.  A workaround, but that makes them actively used/referenced, so if I click the "exclude unused assets" option in Project Manager, intentionally or by mistake, I know it is only omitting actual unused assets I don't need or care about; not assets I don't have in a clip or timeline but want to keep with the project.

FWIW, What I really want is a foolproof "archive project" command that would create a single folder with everything in it pulls in all externally linked media and assets and creates a fully standalone project that can be moved/stored/archived anywhere.

I know, in many cases, the automatic re-link can handle simple moves of the project files to a different place in the physical folder hierarchy (or a different top level drive), it is still not a true archive that can be fully trusted to be opened at a future time without any issue.

How I got burned and lost assets:
I copied/moved a project to a plug-in SSD drive. Opened and worked on the project and it was fine.  But months later, when I plugged the SSD into another computer, only then I found out (by the missing media/relink dialogue) that it was still pointing to another drive for some assets.  But that path and assets is not available or accessible so the assets are gone from the project.




