Next to adding monitor zoom to the middle mouse button, one of the most annoying things Adobe has ever done is the Discontinuation of Creative Cloud Synced files ( not holding shift when proportionally enlarging in Photoshop unlike literarally every other Adobe app is a close 3rd.) But unlike the others complaints, the Discontinuation of Creative Cloud Synced Files cost me $100 when a Premiere project file was deleted by acccident and I didn't have a backup and had to buy some disk file retrieval app to recover it. I knew it would happen. Trying to remember to copy my projects over to Dropbox was bound to fail eventually.
Is this really that expensive for you Adobe? Seriously. This is ridiculous. I can't think of anything anymore that doesn't have some kind of cloud backup service now. And when there are so many viable, cheaper and even free alternatives from the competition you decide to remove this feature? But if Cloud Sync is too hard for you at least give us the abililty to set our Project backup directory to a local snyc folder like Dropbox, OneDrive etc. Thank you.