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Timeline color change

Community Beginner ,
May 31, 2024 May 31, 2024

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several have complained about this sudden change to the classic default color scheme in Premiere Pro.  Including myself.  I will hope that Adobe will revert back to what the original, classic color scheme for all the timeline effects soon.  Having the option to change colors in the time line and audio, fades, etc. is nice.  However, changing a default color scheme to a timeline that is worked on by highly creative people - for two decades like myself - is really not in you customers best interest.  I love that I have the option to change a label (i choose my own shade for iPhone footage only). However, as you can read several on this topic, that wasn't a good move.  Please change the default colors - and everything else that you may have changed in default - back to original and let us continue to have the option to change the labels to our own preferences.   I just can't even really believe you did that to begin with.  Thank you.

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