1. Add the ability to support the display of folders with the contents of LUTs in them. When adding LUTs to the Premiere product directory, there is no structure in the program itself in the Technical and Creative tabs and the LUTs are scattered in a mix with the standard ones and there is no way to track a specific LUT in an unordered structure.
2. Second, add the ability to add LUTs to favorites so that you can easily and quickly use it in different projects without searching among hundreds of LUTs.
3. Third, remove the restrictions on the number of LUTs in Premiere. Now it supports about 350-400 LUTs, which is not convenient when you use different stylizations for different tasks and you need to try others, and not delete and throw others.
4. Fix it the behavior of displaying LUTs in the viewing screen on the Limetri panel. Now, every time you view Luts and apply it to a clip, viewing new ones begins anew. This is extremely inconvenient and not practical. Consider displaying the LUT in real time when hovering over the LUT with the mouse. And in case of application, double-click with the mouse and the LUT is applied to the clip.