For years now, I've lived with Premiere Pro rendering "previews" of all the audio files in the entire timeline when I simply want to output just a short work area, but why? I don't get this behavior!
I'm working on a 90 minute film but when I export a short work area I have to either wait a massive amount of time for Rendering Required Audio Files that are not in the work area to finish or create a subsequence of that work area, which renders very fast (but that's a multistep workaround).
Image shows a 1 min 38 sec work area with about 75 audio clips to create previews of 2500 audio clips requiring an hour.
Seems like Rendering Audio Previews could be done in the background rather than waiting until the moment a quick render of a litle work area is needed.
I've lived with this weird, annoying, time-suck for years.
Anyone know why?