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Adobe Rush - process HEVC files - Canon Clog3

New Here ,
Sep 02, 2023 Sep 02, 2023

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Couple of days ago to complete my adobe photography pack I suscribed to Adobe express pack to benefit of more Adobe rush functionalities i.e processing HEVC videos. I have a canon r5 i use mainly for photo but I want to develop my video skills. I recorded Clog 3 video but i cannot open them in adobe rush - I have the following message: "This file requires the HEVC codec which is included with a Creative Cloud membership. To upgrade to a paid plan ..." However when I deactivate clog recording on my R5 and I film in H264 it works perfectly.


I suscribed to adobe creative cloud pack which also includes premiere pro (as a test) but the issue is still there... I reinstalled adobe premiere rush, restarted my computer, nothing changes.


I have a 2022 macbook pro, M1 pro processor.


Can you please help to fix this issue? I read lot of topics and it seems to be a bug. Can you confirm?








Crash , Error or problem , Freeze or hang , Import






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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Sep 06, 2023 Sep 06, 2023

Hello @rudyb3394780,

Thank you for your message. You say you are having trouble editing footage from your Canon video camera. Right? If so, it has to do with the format of the footage. If it is not listed here, it won't be supported: https://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-rush/help/import-footage.html Perhaps Rush was trying to transcode the footage to HEVC, and since it is not supported, it failed; but I'm not sure.


HEVC support is only for premium Rush subscribers. If you do not have a subscriptio




Adobe Employee ,
Sep 06, 2023 Sep 06, 2023

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Hello @rudyb3394780,

Thank you for your message. You say you are having trouble editing footage from your Canon video camera. Right? If so, it has to do with the format of the footage. If it is not listed here, it won't be supported: https://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-rush/help/import-footage.html Perhaps Rush was trying to transcode the footage to HEVC, and since it is not supported, it failed; but I'm not sure.


HEVC support is only for premium Rush subscribers. If you do not have a subscription supporting Rush Premium, you can use H.264 for the Rush Starter version. My guess is that you have the Rush Starter version. Sorry for the frustration.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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New Here ,
Sep 07, 2023 Sep 07, 2023

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Hi Kevin,


Thanks for your answer. I confirm the format of my record is MP4 HEVC (h265). I also confirm that I have a premuim rush subscription as I suscribed to adobe express pack including adobe rush premium especially to manage H265 format, what is not possible for the moment! It seems by reading the forum i am not the only person with such issues, can it be a bug on your side related to the fact that i switched from a non-premium rush account to a preimum account? And so my premium licence is not considered by rush?


I do not want to use H264 format because it will offer me less possibilities for editing as my video wiles won't be in raw format (clog3). Thanks for your support!









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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 07, 2023 Sep 07, 2023

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Hey there @rudyb3394780,

Good to hear back from you.


I have a premuim rush subscription as I suscribed to adobe express pack including adobe rush premium especially to manage H265 format, what is not possible for the moment!


Oh, you have a subscription to Adobe Express? Nice. That should work for HEVC native support. I'm not sure why it's not currently available for you. You might try an HEVC file from a different source to test.


If the native file did not work, contact assisted support directly to help you find a solution to this enablement problem. The chat pod is in the lower-right corner of the screen there. Ask for the “video queue” to reach our digital video specialists. I hope they can help you. Let us know what they say so that the community can stay informed and help others having trouble with the same situation.


Thanks for your answer. I confirm the format of my record is MP4 HEVC (h265). I do not want to use H264 format because it will offer me less possibilities for editing as my video wiles won't be in raw format (clog3).


Rush supports the HEVC codec, but doesn't support RAW formats, so that might be the issue. I would recommend converting the footage prior to editing it in Rush. You can add a LUT from the Canon site to an encoding app like Media Encoder or Shutter Encoder to get the footage looking correct.


I hope the advice helps.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 07, 2023 Sep 07, 2023

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Hey there @rudyb3394780,

Good to hear back from you.


I have a premuim rush subscription as I suscribed to adobe express pack including adobe rush premium especially to manage H265 format, what is not possible for the moment!


Oh, you have a subscription to Adobe Express? Nice. That should work for HEVC native support. I'm not sure why it's not currently available for you. You might try an HEVC file from a different source to test.


If the native file did not work, contact assisted support directly to help you find a solution to this enablement problem. The chat pod is in the lower-right corner of the screen there. Ask for the “video queue” to reach our digital video specialists. I hope they can help you. Let us know what they say so that the community can stay informed and help others having trouble with the same situation.


Thanks for your answer. I confirm the format of my record is MP4 HEVC (h265). I do not want to use H264 format because it will offer me less possibilities for editing as my video wiles won't be in raw format (clog3).


Rush supports the HEVC codec, but doesn't support RAW formats, so that might be the issue. I would recommend converting the footage prior to editing it in Rush. You can add a LUT from the Canon site to an encoding app like Media Encoder or Shutter Encoder to get the footage looking correct.


I hope the advice helps.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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