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Hello team,
I just purchased a DJI FPV, got files recorded in 4K, a 1.13min video is about 907mb. I m in MP4 File.
I have mixed a series of Iphone videos which are in MOV File (.MOV) with my DJI files that are in MP4 in Rush. I have a 2.30min video made. IMPOSSIBLE to extract! I tried to put the lowest quality possible for the extraction into a file, left the computer for 24hours to extract, without any success. Rush is still rendering 24hours later, but the % marked on the extraction bugs at 30% of rendering.
My computer is Alien ware, probably one of the best on the market, so the issue isnt coming from my computer. Any recommendations?
If I have to suppress and re-download RUSH, is there a way to save my creation somewhere?
See in the last picture attached, the partial extracts made by Rush that are in a folder uncomplete.
Thank you,
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