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Hello, I have almost all of my video projects saved in Premiere Rush via the Creative Cloud Synced files. I can see now with the discontinuation they're all going to be deleted. I have copies of the final versions but am now not going to be able to access all the working versions. Can't seem to find a way to download the projects to my phone or mac now that I've removed them from the original device. Can someone help? Hard to find a straight answer but my understanding is that the files will go and all projects will end up with broken links to files from Feb 2024.
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Hi @Camellia25277345ge1m @Raf-nx
Were you able to read through this help doc? The doc goes over how to save or backup your projects.
Please let me know if you run into any issues after trying the steps provided.
Thank you!
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Hi Kevin, I am in doubt, too.
It is not clear to whom the sync will stop.
I have a premium account with Rush as a personal user.
Will my sync file will stop working? I don't understand.
I paid the premium to have that exact feature of 100GB with sync functions.
Do you have a more precise explanation? Because in the Adobe website explanation, there is too much gibberish that, honestly, I don't care to understand; I want to be sure that Rush will keep working as advertised and paid for, that's it. 🙂
Thank you for any clarification you can provide.
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Hey Raf, the sync will stop for everyone and your files will be deleted by February. You will need to back up your existing projects to a new cloud service. Any projects saved to the cloud only will end up with broken links.
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Thank you for your reply.
What a joke, ah? They created an app for mobile and removed the only thing that made the app enjoyable: moving seamlessly between devices. ( I was hanging on that even with all the giant bugs the app has lately)
Now, Adobe expects us to pay for a separate cloud system. (ahahah) what a dishonest way to double the price, but the only thing they will achieve is losing clients, and for those who really can't switch, they will have to pay double. So brutal.
I started to use the app six months ago and paid for the entire year; well, I already stopped the renewal, and I will begin to look for an alternative; in the meantime, I will use it until the "premium" expires, and then I will see.
They should take inspiration from Netflix, the new slogan for the company: Adobe is a joke.
Cheers everyone, and good luck with your backup; not even that is a simple task (OF COURSE, why that should be easy ah?) ....ahah what a joke. Hilarious. 😄
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I still don't understand what they are asking us to do as a replacement for losing Creative Cloud sync?
I take video on my iPhone and upload it to the Adobe Rush app. I then go to my studio and edit on my computer. With the discontinuation of creative cloud sync, I still don't understand what they want us to do instead??
Does anyone know?
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There is no replacement of this functionality, as far as I can tell - renders the app effectively useless for me.
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I'm seriously mad. What is the point of the app now? Why can't I edit locally on the phone, then (worst case) plug my phone into the PC and continue in premiere. That is how it should have been from the start but I guess that makes too much sense?
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I never received notification or warning about this. All my precious family homemade videos I had stored in cloud are now gone. What a fantastic result. Thanks Adobe glad my €70 a month is going to a good cause.
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Se fue para abajo
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looks that way not even a trace I thought whatever the source computer was
it would be fine at least that what i read and what my understanding was i
finally went to my main computer and after having 3 major project 3 year
worth of work gone never felt so violated hence why i never trusted
cloud storage
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- Yes, I agree with @Raf-nx 100%. This company excels at making things so hard to understand. Here is an idea for you overpaid app designers / content creators / procedure generating people at Adobe. Why don't you just give your customers, the ones that pay for you to eat, what they paid for. I read your article and it is plain giberish. You all would make great burger flippers because you suck at what you do now. I am starting to really dislike Adobe and its products.
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Hi @Camellia25277345ge1m @Raf-nx
Were you able to read through this help doc? The doc goes over how to save or backup your projects.
Please let me know if you run into any issues after trying the steps provided.
Thank you!
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Hey Peter, I appreciate the link it's really helpful but unfortunately I don't have a Premiere Pro subscription, I just have Adobe Express. Is there a way to download my projects using what I already have?
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Just to clarify, in Adobe Rush, it is not possible to save projects outside of Rush, except for Premiere Pro. Therefore, it is important to have a local copy of the projects you want to save. If your project is stored on your device, you can open it anytime.
Please refer to the attached picture. The project named "Local only" or "Local and Synced" can be opened on that device indefinitely and edited. However, "Cloud only" projects will not be available after February 1st.
I hope this clears things up. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
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Hi Peter, I'm fully aware of that, but I have 50+ projects saved only to the cloud (not locally). I would really like to not lose these working files. It's crazy Adobe is just removing this function with no way to back up and restore for Rush users and are asking them to spend more money to upgrade instead. I am just an independent contractor creating recipe videos for clients and rely on Rush for my work. I really don't want to lose them.
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I understand your frustration. I know it's not an easy task to back up your projects. Some of this will be repetitive but I would like to suggest a few ideas that might help you and other users in similar situations.
- You can download the synced projects to your device. The projects can stay on your device indefinitely.
- You can export the Rush project and save it as a single file - This file can then be imported into a new project.
- You can download a trial version of Premiere Pro. This will give you a project file that you can refer to at any time in the future.
If you have any additional questions please let me know. Thanks.
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Thank you!
You just mentioned downloading the projects to my device as a first option, but how can I do that with Rush? Or is this only doable with Pro? If so using the trial version is a great idea, appreciate that.
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If you notice that there is only a cloud icon on your project, that means it's located solely in the cloud. To make it available locally, you have to open the project and let it download all assets onto your device. During the download process, you will see a blue circular progress bar. Once the download is complete, the project will be saved locally on your device and should display the device/cloud icon.
Hope that helps!
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Thank you for your reply and concern, but the backup is not the point; the point is you guys change the rules during the game to clients who have already invested years in your company; that rule should apply only to new customers, not to whom is already a client. It makes no sense.
The storage option with the 100Gb was the main reason most people pay the 120 a year. That's it. Move from one device to another based on the necessity of the editing.
But nope, you ruined the only thing that was worth paying for.
Editing apps for half the price without a cloud option is plenty on the internet.
I don't know; I'm not a marketing strategist, but your marketing strategy needs a second opinion.
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Yes, I did read the entire document. It's excessively complicated. But what I gleaned from it, is that there's no way to get the rush mobile projects out of one phone and on to another without having a desktop version of the product installed.
I don't use premier or Rush on my desktop. I use Magix Vegas.. I installed premier Rush on my phone so that I could do quick phone edits when I was away from my house. I have a dozen or so small projects on my phone.
If I understood the help document correctly, there's no way to just take those projects off of one phone and put them on another phone.
If there is, would you please let us know how to do that.
I'm switching from my Galaxy s22 ultra to a new Galaxy s24 ultra. I would like to get the projects off my old phone onto my new phone.
This really ought not be very complicated, and I don't know why Adobe is making us jump through these hoops.
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One step further into Adobe's planned locking ecosystem; this is a terrible idea! Remove a feature and put in no replacement; Adobe bad! I can't imagine how many businesses this will affect; what do we pay for now? Warning: this is your last time to get out of the Adobe ecosystem if you want to keep your client's files readable in years to come. They did it with fonts, and now it will be all in libraries; THIS is not good enough for Adobe.
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It really is remarkable that they would take this away with no replacement apparent. I am lucky in that I am a hobbyist and don't rely on this for an income, but I had really come to rely on the workflow with Rush where I could edit on the iPhone/iPad, then continue on the computer and do final edits in Premiere Pro/After Effects. I can't see a good use for Rush standalone aside from simple social media clips, and even then, without a way to archive, I probably won't even do that.
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Quite literally this change is the FINAL STRAW I was clinging to the one last thing Adobe Rush had was cloud syncing and it was even buggy when I was desperate for at least one aspect of this app to work!
I've dealt with so much glitching and app crashing and losing precious hours of my life from projects just no longer being accessible over the last 4 years of PAYING for this experience... it's NOT WORTH IT.
I will be ending my Adobe subscription because even now as cloud syncing is "still available" 90% of my edits are GONE from not syncing properly - so fine! Thanks Adobe for making the experience so retched that I finally have to give up lol who's going to pay the same price, if not more, for a buggy app with LESS features now? I'm excited to use free apps in the near future that AT LEAST actually work
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I agree 100% I will be done very soon if I cant get a straight answer and not a link they keep repeating. The help center and virtual asssisstant disconnected chat with me twice. I think I will start looking into other programs that I can just buy!

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