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Erreur lors de la compilation - erreur de création de l'image

Community Beginner ,
Jan 23, 2025 Jan 23, 2025

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Bonjour, j'ai créé une vidéo plus volumineuse que d'habitude et j'ai essayé plusieurs fois de l'enregistrer sur mon bureau, sans succès. Je reçois toujours le même message d'erreur après quelques minutes, qui affiche "Erreur lors de la compilation du film" et "Erreur de création de l'image" (voir capture d'écran ci-dessous).


J'ai déjà réduit la qualité et la résolution de la vidéo pour la rendre moins volumineuse, mais je ne comprends pas du tout quel est le problème et comment le régler. 


C'est extrêmement frustrant de travailler pendant des heures sur un projet et de se heurter à ça au bout du compte. Si quelqu'un a la moindre idée de ce que je dois faire, merci de partager. 

Error or problem , Export






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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Jan 24, 2025 Jan 24, 2025

Hello @Hui5C40,

Thanks for the message and welcome to the forum. There is a problem with the clip at 4:29. Try replacing the clip or remove any effects at that location in the timeline. I hope the advice helps. Sorry for the frustration.







Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2025 Jan 24, 2025

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Hello @Hui5C40,

Thanks for the message and welcome to the forum. There is a problem with the clip at 4:29. Try replacing the clip or remove any effects at that location in the timeline. I hope the advice helps. Sorry for the frustration.





Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 05, 2025 Feb 05, 2025

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Thank you very much for your response Kevin, it did help and that issue was fixed. I now have a different issue with another video: everytime I try to export it, Rush freezes/crashes and so does my entire laptop. I've fiddled with the settings and lowered the video quality to reduce the file size (even though I've exported bigger videos before) and it's still happening.


I spent hours and hours on this video and since there's no syncing to Creative Cloud, I will literally lose all trace of it if I can't export it. Can you please tell me how to fix this? 





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 05, 2025 Feb 05, 2025

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Hey there, and bonjour, @Hui5C40,

Thanks for the note and added information. I am glad I was able to help you find a solution to your first issue. Let's now drill down on the second issue.


Because your export completely fails and freezes up your hardware, something quite extreme is going on there. I suspect it's a corrupt clip or an effect that has gone haywire.


The first things to try are to reset preferences. Press the Alt/Option key at launch and choose to reset preferences. Relanuch. You'll have the "Welcome to Rush" experience screen. Create a "dummy" project to get back to your previous Home screen with all your projects. Try an export now. Does it work? Let us know.


Youc can also delete media cache. Launch Rush but do not open a project. In Preferences, click the Manage Cache button. In the new dialog box, choose to delete all the cache and click OK. It won't harm anything, so don't worry. See if you can export the project now. Let us know if it works or not.


If not, once more, return to the Preferences and disable hardware accelerated encodeing and decoding and restart the computer. Are things working now for your export? Let us know!


If these things are still not working, please give details about your computer system: its CPU, GPU, RAM, and HDs you are using for media storage and playback. Make sure the GPU driver has been updated and is the latest studio driver (avoid the game-ready one, if possible).


If you are still having trouble exporting, you can take further action in tracking down the issue.


Tell me, when the export freezes up things, does it always fail at a certain portion of the Timeline? If so, you can track down the culprit.


It's tedious, but you can try foreceful maneuver called the "rule of halves." From the Home screen, inspect the "meatball" menu (the one with 3 dots) and choose to duplicate the project. Call it "Test" and delete the back half of the sequence. Export this truncated project and see if works. If so, then something on the back half is holding you up. Repeat this process and eventually, the problematic part of your project can be isolated and removed.


If you don't want to go through all these steps, you can zone in on where you think the problematic clip or clips might be. Possible culprits might be footage that you imported that is unusual, such as from a screen captured video source, a drone, another mobile device, or media derived from a streaming video source. Oversized stills can also break an export if it's overly large. The Pan and Zoom feature can also cause issues, as can color effects, as they can conflict with GPU processes. If you suspect GPU issues, you can also switch off hardware accelerated encoding and decoding if you have H.264 footage. Restart the computer after doing so.


Now there's a bunch of troubleshooting steps you can try. I hope one of them will help you export your project more smoothly. If the steps fail, take heart, the community is here and we can help you furthers, should you need it, at that time. Cheers and good luck in troubleshooting this vexing issue.






Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 05, 2025 Feb 05, 2025

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I've spent hours and hours editing this video and Rush keeps crashing (along with my whole computer!) when I try to export it. I've tried fiddling with the settings and lowering the video quality to make the file smaller, but nothing seems to make a difference - and I've exported bigger videos before, so I don't understand the issue now. 


Please help if you have any idea how to fix this issue. I understand Rush doesn't sync to Creative Cloud anymore so if I can't export this video to my computer, I will literally lose it. 





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 05, 2025 Feb 05, 2025

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Bonjour again, @Hui5C40,

I responded to you on your other thread. No need to repost here. I'll merge your threads.




Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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