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Export does not show video - Only pictures and audio

New Here ,
May 10, 2022 May 10, 2022

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So i have been working on a project. When i first started trying to import the video, i had the "This file requires the HEVC codec which is included with a Creative Cloud membership. To upgrade..." error - I fixerd that by converting my video to MP4, so i could add my video to the project (I am not a premium user). 


Fast forward - I've edited the whole video, after exporting, the only things that show up in the final product, is the audio and pictures - Not the video/clips itself. I have tried duplicating the project, tried different export methods, media/preferences. I could not find an earlier version of Adobe Premiere Rush that i could downgrade to. I am using Windows 10.


How do i fix this, and get my clips/video to also show, in the final product? 


Thank you in advance. 

Desktop version , Error or problem , Export






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