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[Feature request] Sequences - they kill Rush, please make them useful

New Here ,
Nov 07, 2023 Nov 07, 2023

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Who came up with Sequences? Did Product Management listen to the second half of their presentation or go to lunch? I expect you have a backlog of requests about these. They could be so useful if they worked how people expect. Instead not only are they useless, but they actually cripple the whole point of Rush even existing. You need to be able to combine them. You need to be able to select and copy clips and tracks from them into other sequences. You need to be able to do something with them in Premiere Pro (they just render blank). It's the only nesting metaphor you have in Rush. Please, you don't need to sell us on Premiere, we're mostly CC subscribers, you aren't compromising anything by making Rush actually useful. 

With hope and gratitude.

Feature request






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