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Fix video randomly changing exposure after export and audio fade out

Community Beginner ,
Jul 08, 2023 Jul 08, 2023

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  Rush is awesome but please, fix this issue ASAP, you've had it for a while now. In Rush, if you add a Lower 3rd or any kind of graphic and then export the video, the final video has some kind of randomly applied filter where the video is over exposed in some frames and normal on others, etc... I read that if you put a Blank Graphic that extends along the entire timeline, which you place on the top most track, it keeps it from happening. That does work, but give me a break, what if we need that top most track in the timeline? This bug I wish you would address. I'm editing on an iPad Pro 11, 3rd Gen. That bug, as well as random glitches that happen in the final export video (usually looks like distorted frames) is annoying. It happens with either HEVC and JPEG video compression footage, doesn't matter. Also, if there is a music track and you have it fade out, sometimes there is a quick spike in the volume at the very end, it's not a smooth fade. I'm attaching three screenshots showing one frame that is over exposed of the same footage and once the transition happens, it goes back to normal. The third screenshot is the Blank Graphic that I have to extend over the entire timeline so that bug doesn't happen. Thank you!

Error or problem , Export , How to , Mobile version , Performance , Tips and tricks






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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Jul 10, 2023 Jul 10, 2023

Hello @AdobeLover,

I read your note. You are having trouble with video changing colors when graphics are added? This may be because you are shooting in HDR, which Rush does not support. Can you try switching your camera settings to "Most Compatible" and switch HDR to the "off" position and try a test.


You say that you are also having trouble with audio not fading well. Can you try a different method for fading the audio out, like using a dissolve transition instead of using Auto duck?


I hope




Adobe Employee ,
Jul 10, 2023 Jul 10, 2023

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Hello @AdobeLover,

I read your note. You are having trouble with video changing colors when graphics are added? This may be because you are shooting in HDR, which Rush does not support. Can you try switching your camera settings to "Most Compatible" and switch HDR to the "off" position and try a test.


You say that you are also having trouble with audio not fading well. Can you try a different method for fading the audio out, like using a dissolve transition instead of using Auto duck?


I hope the advice helps.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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