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I have created a video on a Pixel 6a and am not able to export it to YouTube.
It gives two errors:
- can't save video to disc
- can't currently export to YouTube
I have already signed out and in again. Restarted the device multiple times, but nothing changes.
Below is the error (in Dutch) that shows after rendering.
 In have found multiple similar threats, but unfortunately no solution so far.
Please help.
Mod note: change the title for search purposes. Thanks for the link and solution to your issue. It is appreciated!
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I have to explain this a bit more.
I tried to sync my project to my PC and try to export is on the PC. This isn't apparently not possible anymore via CC. Therefore, I needed to export the project via exporting the logfiles (which can be found under settings) and import this in a specific folder on the PC. See the link for all the steps to follow.
After importing the project file, I had to copy all the media to the PC and relink all the items one by one.
Finally I was able to start exporting. However, I needed to buy an additional subscription (because the mobile rush premium subscription is not sufficient).
Nevertheless, it works and I was able to export the video.
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Wow! Thanks for the great post, @KoenBarendregt. As I was a little unsure of this new process, I think it is beneficial that you shared this information. I appreciate you doing that.
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I am a new user and nowhere close to Kevin's knowledge and cleverness. Why do you sell a product that does not allow us to save the video we create. I need to post on a platform that is not included as an option. Why can't I save it locally?
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Hello @Kjjsoccer,
Thanks for the message. You can save the video to your device or computer, for sure. What problem are you having? Moving the project from one device to another or something else? I apologize if I do not understand your issue clearly. Let me know!
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Sounds extremely complicated for something that was so simple before. Come on adobe, surely there can be an easier way?
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Unfortunately, there is not. As a fellow Rush user, I'm right there with you, though.
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This solution apparently doesnt seem to be working on a Mac.
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So, even though i have signed in with my adobe ID with all apps to premiere rush on mobile, is all of the ability to transfer a project to premiere pro disabled? I made an edit on my phone, and Premire rush will not export it because it cannot handle 4k 120 footage, so I figured ok I'll just push it over to my install of premiere pro but nope, it won't work.
I have the project files on my computer but there doesn't seem to be a place to put them to make premiere recognize them as rush project files.
Is rush basically useless now?
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I finally figured it out, if you go to
There is a Team Projects Local Hub
Here you can paste the exported projects from premiere rush that you exported from Premiere rush mobile ->preferences ->share logs-> share logs and project files
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Hi @natalies35909954 ,
Thanks for this information. I have tried this, and it does not seem to be working. I do not see any of my newly created Rush iPhone projects on my desktop.
I've pasted the log files exported with rush_logs and the folder named "2021" exported with rush_projects. The 2021 folder has two sub-folders called local and synchronized.
Do you have any advice? Pics of folders are attached.
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Never mind! I figured it out. There was another Teams Projects Local Hub: C:\Users\thill\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\Team Projects Local Hub
I replaced the 2021 folder in this one with the rush_projects 2021 folder, and voila! All my projects are showing up on my desktop. I hope this helps someone else.
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OMG. Thank you SOOOO much! I have spent countless hours trying to figure this out and almost gave up. I can FINALLY edit on the go and finish on my PC! Thanks so much for typing out your solution.
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Hey guys, I still can't get this to work. I can get all the files onto my computer but when I go to open it I have a completely new edit. Eny help would be great.
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Hi @Kai389847349e16,
Can you give the community more info about your system and media? Perhaps we can help you!
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As title states, I started a Premiere Rush project on my iPad. However, I can't figure out how to open and finish editing on my laptop. I read that Creative Cloud Sync was the go to method before, but as that has now been discontinued, what are my options?
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Did you try the solution in this post yet, @Devon312085820k9o?