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Media Exporting/Rendering Issue in Premiere Rush

Community Beginner ,
Aug 23, 2020 Aug 23, 2020

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I'm using the most up to date Premiere Rush on my iPhone 7, and am having issues rendering my video. For context, I'm adding captions to a video to be uploaded to IGTV. When I edit and playback in the Rush Pro app, I can see everything. When I click to export and render it, only the audio of the video, plus the captions I have added, is exported. It's a big file, about 28 mintues long, so it takes about an hour to export and save onto my phone. The actual moving picture of the video does not export, the screen is just blank/black apart from the captions I have added. I have also tried this on my laptop with the same issue. 


I have noticed that when exporing on my phone, it says Sequence One (when I click on the properties of the file, it comes up with the original video file and Sequence One as separate parts of the document), which includes the captions and extras I have added. I can't see how to combine these properties together, or click to export all. I don't know if this paragraph and info is relevant to the issue I am having but I thought it was best to include as much detail as possible. 


I really don't want to have to manually recaption the video (I've done it twice already to try and fix this problem – soul destroying!)


Many thanks, 


A very confused Eden at the end of her tether 🙂 

Error or problem , Export






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Community Expert ,
Aug 23, 2020 Aug 23, 2020

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Hello Eden!  Hang on, we got ya 😉


So to address your first point: that's a pretty big file ya got there, so before you hit that export button, double check to make sure the original video file has FULLY SYNCED to the cloud (i.e. Rush's servers). Look for the circle near the top center of your current project's sequence; if you see a blue animating semicircle, it's still trying to send your project's assets to the cloud, and you won't be able to export properly until the sync is complete:



Speaking of Sequences: Every time you start a new project, once you have selected all the clips and media you want to use and are ready to start working, that new setup (like the picture above) is called a SEQUENCE (in Rush, Premiere Pro, and most other video editing tools). When you see your video clip from your camera roll and the sequence in your Project Assets, it's actually the SEQUENCE that is "holding" your video and other assets together to make the movie (so don't delete either one!) Your project can actually have multiple sequences if you like (which is great if you want to set up different versions of a video layout but using the same assets from inside that one project). You can rename, duplicate or even delete a sequence in the Project Assets by clicking on the 3 dots (called ellipses) to the right of the sequence name.

Hope this helps!

Hope this helps!
Make sure to press "✔ Correct Answer" on this post if this answers your question. Happy Creating!
Anissa • @anissat





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 24, 2020 Aug 24, 2020

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Hi Anissa, 


Phew! Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly and explaining Sequences! What you said made compelte sense re. the buffering blue circle – it is a very big file. I waited until the blue circle was full and then tried to export, but I'm having the same issue (when I click on the blue circle, it just says Project Status with no percentage left). I'm not sure if it's because it's such a big file and just not suited to this application?


Either way, sadly still no luck getting the video images to show on the exported file. 





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Community Expert ,
Aug 24, 2020 Aug 24, 2020

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Hmmmm.... curiouser and curiouser. 

I have had this happen once on my iPhone XS Max last year (with a much earlier version of Rush, of course). I got frustrated with the wait time, and was able to open the project and successfully export from my desktop (the Rush desktop app is available for MacOS and Win 10 (Creators edition)+ and can be a huge time saver workflow wise).

Let's see if that alleviates the issue, or if we need to go to another step...

Hope this helps!
Make sure to press "✔ Correct Answer" on this post if this answers your question. Happy Creating!
Anissa • @anissat





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 25, 2020 Aug 25, 2020

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It gets worse and worse sadly! I've tried exporting the video from the Rush desktop application, but when I load the project on there, the video file now comes up as red with an exclamation mark on it and the audio doesn't work either (see below). 


Screenshot 2020-08-25 at 11.47.37.png


I'm not sure what else to try, really! I'm considering just uploading the original video with no captions and writing out a transcript as trying to sort this video has taken me days now! Would you reccomend I use Premiere Pro next time to avoid these issues? 






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New Here ,
Dec 15, 2020 Dec 15, 2020

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Sorry but mine still doesn’t work. I really need to render this video but it won’t work. My file is about 248 MB but when I tap "export" it says: Rush-Unable to render successfully. And I’m also using an iPad Pro. What should I do. Is my video gone gone?





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