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Premier Rush will not open a project

New Here ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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I have seen a few people post about this, but have not seen anyone actually getting a solution. I've tried just about everything I've read thus far.


The app never crashed. I can also open all my projects except the last one I did on Premier Rush. I tried loggin out of every device, I also tried to make a copy of the file and open the new one. Nothing I have tried works and I would really hate to loose the work I've already done on it. Any help would be amazing!


The raw content is over 2 hours of footage and I was editing it down. When I closed the project I had it down to about an hour. Someone please help!


This is ridiculous, with how expensive Adobe is for crap like this to happen.

Error or problem






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

Hi @gabrielg02z,

I am not sure what happened there. Usually signing out and signing back in works for some. In other cases, something seems to have gone wrong with your project syncing to the Creative Cloud, especially if other projects are available.


At this time, you may want to contact assisted support directly to help you find a solution to this problem. The chat pod is in the lower-right corner of the screen there. Ask for the “video queue” to reach our digital video specialists. I hope t





correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

Hi @gabrielg02z,

I am not sure what happened there. Usually signing out and signing back in works for some. In other cases, something seems to have gone wrong with your project syncing to the Creative Cloud, especially if other projects are available.


At this time, you may want to contact assisted support directly to help you find a solution to this problem. The chat pod is in the lower-right corner of the screen there. Ask for the “video queue” to reach our digital video specialists. I hope t




Adobe Employee ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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Hi @gabrielg02z,

I am not sure what happened there. Usually signing out and signing back in works for some. In other cases, something seems to have gone wrong with your project syncing to the Creative Cloud, especially if other projects are available.


At this time, you may want to contact assisted support directly to help you find a solution to this problem. The chat pod is in the lower-right corner of the screen there. Ask for the “video queue” to reach our digital video specialists. I hope they can help you. Let us know what they say so that the community can stay informed and help others having trouble with the same situation. I hope they can help you!



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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