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Premiere is not finding video footage that I have on my computer

New Here ,
Nov 18, 2020 Nov 18, 2020

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I'm on window 10 and have a pretty up to date computer. It was working fine a month ago and I just updated the latest one today 11/18/20 especially since before I updated it, it was still having the same issue. Basically I go to add media and in every file it can't find video footage at all. I can find music files, pictures and a short clip of a YouTube intro that I have, but I can not find any of my game recorded footage through the Adobe Premiere Rush. It's there and I know where it is on my computer and I can clearly open as well as view them but not through the application. I restarted my PC, nothing happened. 


Current verison is v1.5.38 (Build 84)

Error or problem , Import






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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 24, 2020 Nov 24, 2020

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Hi there!

We can get this checked. Would you mind sharing more information so that it help us in troubleshooting accordingly?

  • Could you share the details of the media files (codec/ format, frame rate, frame size)? 
  • What happens when you change the locations of the files? Does that heps/

Let us know. Happy to help. 


Thank you,







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New Here ,
Nov 25, 2020 Nov 25, 2020

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I have tried changing folder locations. The image i posted next is a prime example of all the video files I have, it's always worked before. Except the only difference I've realized now is that the reason some others work is because they're MP4, these for some reason are web.m What I did to get these video recordings, was in a video game called League of Legends they have this highlight-reel type thing and I recorded my previous games and it downloaded to my computer. I would of thought since I can still watch it like an MP4 that it was. Now looking into this it is different. Is there a way to change to mp4? Or allow to find this file type? Otherwise this sucks that I can't use these videos for videos.

11.18.20. Rift Herald Backdoor Properties 11_25_2020 11_39_00 PM.png





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