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Premiere Rush mobile projects missing on iPhone 14 Pro Max iOS 17

Community Beginner ,
Dec 10, 2023 Dec 10, 2023

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I just opened my Premiere Rush app after not opening it for about 2.5 months and was horrified to discover all but three of my projects were completely gone. In two of the three projects that remain, the clips don't load at all. This is an entire spring and summer's worth of work, and while I have the finalized exports of 20+ projects, I am livid that all the originals are gone. I don't see anything on my files online, either.


Why weren't they synced to Creative Cloud? I checked the Preferences and it says "All documents are synced to Creative Cloud. Choose when to sync your content automatically." I presumed this meant exactly what it says: "All documents are synced to Creative Cloud." Below this, there is only one option to toggle "Use cellular for sync" which was off, yet, why are the files locally missing? They are not in my Creative Cloud files, either. How can this be?


Is there some way to recover them? This is extremely disappointing, what are we paying for when this kind of stuff is happening without warning? I hope someone can please guide me to how to recover these original project files.

Cloud sync , Crash , Error or problem , Mobile version






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Dec 21, 2023 Dec 21, 2023

I got it fixed, thanks to some help from Adobe Support! For some strange reason, Premiere Rush files do not sync to the regular Creative Cloud and are specifically attached to the email of your Adobe ID. 


We finally figured out the issue was that I had recently updated the email for my Adobe ID, so all my Premiere Rush files disappeared. For whatever reason, Premiere Rush will NOT sync along with Creative Cloud or any changes to your Adobe ID email address. The fix was to change my email back to




Community Beginner ,
Dec 10, 2023 Dec 10, 2023

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Another piece of information is that after updating to iOS 17, for some reason, when I opened Premiere Rush, it had me sign in again. This is when I discovered everything was gone.


I just now created a new project to try and figure out what is going on with this syncing, and noticed that at the bottom of the file in the Your Projects view, the menu has a "Turn Sync On" option. Once doing so, it then changes the little phone icon next to the project name to a phone icon with a cloud, presumably indicating it is synced to the Cloud. This icon is showing for the other three project files that are showing. Yet, when I look at my Creative Cloud files, I don't see ANY of these files synced. I have old files from the Premier Clip days still showing up, and everything else from other apps as well, but none of these Premiere Rush files are appearing. This is so confusing, where are they going?





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 10, 2023 Dec 10, 2023

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Now, I found there's a folder in my Creative Cloud ambiguously named "Synced Files." Inside that is a folder named "Adobe." Inside that, is "Assets." Then a folder with a hashed name of a project, and when I go into these folders, they are video files, including the date of the test project I just made now, but they do not load. They just show a document icon with a danger ! symbol. In the Info, it shows as a Video, upload date, size, and access is "Private." What is going on?


Where are these Premiere Rush projects syncing to? I could have sworn there was a folder previously that showed up as Premiere Rush, even in my iPhone's albums itself, which is also missing.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 21, 2023 Dec 21, 2023

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I got it fixed, thanks to some help from Adobe Support! For some strange reason, Premiere Rush files do not sync to the regular Creative Cloud and are specifically attached to the email of your Adobe ID. 


We finally figured out the issue was that I had recently updated the email for my Adobe ID, so all my Premiere Rush files disappeared. For whatever reason, Premiere Rush will NOT sync along with Creative Cloud or any changes to your Adobe ID email address. The fix was to change my email back to what it was previously, then restart my phone and re-login to Premiere Rush. After some waiting and syncing, all the original project files reappeared on my phone.





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