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Rush on Desktop Windows 10 stopped working - spinning wheel when open project

New Here ,
Dec 07, 2021 Dec 07, 2021

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Rush was working fine until 6 weeks ago. First I started noticing sluggish behavior. Then exports were getting stuck a short way into the export. Then the program would only do about four actions every time I opened a project. Now when I open projects, I get spinning wheel and they won't do anything.

I am on a Windows 10 Lenovo laptop that meets minimum spec requriements.

I have read a lot of forum threads and looked for YouTube videos and am not finding much help.

I have not seen confirmation anywhere that if I uninstall Rush and reinstall it, my projects will be in tact. 

I am not understanding how the video projects could be in tact when there are no project files and only assets are in the Sync folder in the cloud. 

I synced my projects as advised in a Forum post, and then, because "Turn Sync On" is the option directly above the option "Delete Everywhere" and because Rush is barely funcioning and lagging, I ended up deleting one of my projects.

What is causing Rush to break in the first place?  Do I have too many project files?  Do long/big video files bog down Rush?  Is there a limit for how many project files one should have, or a best practice?  If I remove project files will it begin to function?

I am not able to run Rush as Administrator because I do not have Admin privileges, so I haven't been able to try this. 

Should I be trying the Creative Cloud Cleaner tool?


Crash , Desktop version , Error or problem , Freeze or hang , Performance






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