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I was super thrilled to see the update on August 5th, and I was hoping to see that an external microphone would be supported for voiceover. No luck. The app still freezes with any external microphone connected when you try to record. THIS IS A BIG DEAL!!! I'd be using Rush daily if you were able to use an external mic with the app. Doing remote ADR recording in the field, or even foley recording would be possible, and the interface is perfect for it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX THIS!!! I originally posted this bug in October of last year. This is really basic functionality, and it crushes me that it's not working.
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Hi Chris,
Thanks for reporting and sorry this issue has not been resolved for you. Can you please provide the following details -
- What device (iOS, Android) and model do you have?
- What OS
- What external mic are you using?
Trying to narrow down the variables as other user and I have been able to record VO in Rush using an external mic successfully.
Again, sorry this has been affecting you for you long. Hoping we can get this sorted out soon.
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Hi there! Thanks so much for responding! I'm using IOS on an Iphone Xs and it's IOS version 12.2. I've tried using the Rode i-XLR with a shotgun mic, and I've also tried using a PreSonus AudioBox ione using the same shotgun mic (Rode NTG-2). I'd love to ask what mic you have been able to get to work with Rush? The challenge for me is that for production, I have to use a shotgun, which requires an interface of some kind. I'm able to record into other apps with this setup, just not Rush. Let me know if you need any further info!
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Hey Chris,
Thanks for the info. I'm using a Rode VideoMic Go. I'll see if I can get ahold of a Rode NTG-2 AudioBox. Not sure why those are giving your trouble. Maybe the conversion using the iXLR vs 3.5 connection?
I'll see what I can figure out on my end. Thanks again for the details.
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Interesting. Well, that's definitely heading in the right direction with the VideoMic Go! Just to be clear, the NGT-2 is just a shotgun mic, and I'm using it with an interface. I've tried the Presonus AudioBox ione, and also the Rode i-XLR interface. Both use the lightning connector, and both work in other apps, just not in rush.
Thanks for looking into this!
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Hi, Matt from the audio team here.
Rush much be granted explicit access to access the audio inputs on iOS. You might have accidentally denied that access the first time you launched Rush.
You can check access here: "Settings>Privacy>Microphone..." and check that the option for "Premiere Rush" is turned on.
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Hey there,
Just checked and Rush has microphone permission.
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Try toggling it off and on again.
If that doesn't help, can you recording into an app that does work, then, without unplugging/altering the audio device from the iPhone, try recording in Rush?
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I just tried that. No dice. I toggled the mic privacy settings, but no luck either. Basically with any mic interface plugged in, Rush will do the countdown for voiceover, then freeze when it should drop into record. I tried doing a record into Rode Reporter, then switching over to Rush, but it still does the same thing.
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I can confirm that Rush does not accept audio from either my Rode i-XLR or Rode SC6-L audio interfaces on my iPhone XS Max with latest OS/latest version of Rush.
If you attempt to start a VO recording, Rush halts.
Both devices are recognized and work correctly as voice over microphone sources in IOS iMovie.
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And, just tested both devices on my iPad Pro, and same problems with Rush not working with the Rode devices there.
They work in iMovie, Filmic, Mavis, Rode Reporter, Hindenberg, but not in Rush.
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Thanks for the additional details, Gary and Chris. We're looking into this. I'll update once I know more.
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Hey there Meg_The_Dog,
I'm interested in hearing about your mic connectivity success. I've tried the iXLR, and also the Presonus AudioBox iTwo and I'm not having any success. I'm currently buying some cables so I can go analog mic into iphone headphone lightning adapter to see if that will work.
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Blue Yeti is hit and miss with iPad Pro 2018. So frustrated.
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Just got back to this and really hoped that it had been solved while I was away, but no, still the same issues. When trying to record with the Rode i-XLR, the countdown happens, then it freezes. Man, I would REALLY love for this to work as it would greatly simplify my workflow. It's been over a year since I first brought up this problem, and still no resolution. It seems like this would be high on the list of anyone using Rush. Is there a fix on the horizon?
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Hi! I have the Rode NT USB-Mini and also had issues upon plugging it in. I tried to delete then redownload the app, and that seems to have done the trick. Just a heads up though, I did run into a bug upon logging in where the app doesn't recognize that I've upgraded my account. Even if I restore my purchases it doesn't recognize it. I had to cancel the current subscription > repurchase > then cancel again once it detected my initial subscription. Anyways, hope this trick works for you.
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Hey! Curious if there are any updates? I record services using Adobe Rush with a Rode Mic plugged in. We randomly are having clips that have NO AUDIO when we stop recording and go to check it. Do you know of any way to retrieve the audio? One is fine, the next has no audio. We're about to ditch Rush completely for recordings.