STILL no further forward with successfully rendering a video
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I've spent literally all day trying to create a 1 minute 14s video for social media.
I managed to get it to 1m remaining by locking up the audio etc....but then it just flops.
How on earth can adobe be ok with this happening to clearly many, many paying customers. Really close to down grading back to LR/PS only or even just completely getting rid.
Any last tips with rush please before I do this?
Kind regards,
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Hi @Misha29181700bqvc -
Of course I have to ask the obligatory "Did you run an update? Did you sign out of Adobe and back in again?" questions, because in the majority of cases, these are the fix.
If you're still experiencing the same issue, do a quick test: try exporting out the Sample project that came with the app. If it exports fully, you may be looking at 2 causes for your own project not rendering:
- Something is corrupt/not working properly with a Graphic/Title/Overlay in your project - try removing or replacing with another version to see if it makes a difference.
- Something is corrupt/not working properly with your source video, audio, or graphic content - Make sure your source content is .mp4, .mov, or other supported video format; if not, you might need to "preflight" your video using Adobe Media Encoder or (easy to use).
Let us know if this does the trick!
Make sure to press "✔ Correct Answer" on this post if this answers your question. Happy Creating!
Anissa • @anissat