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Understanding asset management - Weird case (Windows 10)

Community Beginner ,
Dec 08, 2021 Dec 08, 2021

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I see several people have issues understanding how Premiere Rush (PR) handles assets, and I'm one of them, though I have made a specific observation that perhaps makes it even more weird.

1) I had a bunch of clips in folder A.
2) Started PR (my first acquaintance) and imported the clips.
3) I layed out the clips and made some edits.
3) After a while I realized some of the clips were wrong, so I closed PR, replaced the wrong clips in folder A with correct ones.
5) I open PR and voila, the wrong clips have been replaced. All good.
6) Now I decide I want to move my clip assets in folder A to folder B.
7) I close PR, move my files, and open PR again.
8) I expect PR will complain that the clips are gone, but it doesn't. Instead my project now includes the very first clips, before I replaced the wrong ones at (3)??
9) As I test, I close PR, move back my clips to folder A, and starts PR again, and voila the correct clips are back in my project.

What the fruit is going on here??

To add to the confusion, in the preferecens of PR it says media imports are stored here:
C:\Users\[username]\OneDrive\Documents\Adobe\Premiere Rush\Imported Media
which makes you think that perhaps that's where it cached the files, but no that folder is empty.
On the other hand I find there are copies of my clips in this folder:
C:\Users\[username]\OneDrive\Pictures\Video Projects
but if I remove those, PR still opens my project intact.

NOTE: I believe that when I started off my project were set to sync. Somwhere during the events below I turned sync off to see if it affected the asset handling, but it made no difference.

So many questions!
- Where are the actual clip assets stored?
- How can move my clips to a different folder, and ensure that are the ones in use? (<-- most important question)
- How come it cares if I change the clips in my original folder A although it doesn't need the clips to function?
- Why are copies of my clips stored in C:\Users\[username]\OneDrive\Pictures\Video Projects ?

Thankful for any help with this!

Cloud sync , Import , Storage






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Community Beginner ,
Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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Now I also found my clips and proxy files in this folder:
C:\Users\[user name]\OneDrive\Documents\Adobe\Premiere Rush\Managed Media\Assets





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