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Jittery editing in Rush / High CPU usage (desktop)

Community Beginner ,
Jan 30, 2020 Jan 30, 2020

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I'm new to Rush. When editing a set of 4K 30fps clips on my desktop I constantly get jittery / frozen playback when editing. I've noticed that this happens only during high CPU usage.  Jumping forwards, backwards and rewinding triggers the high CPU usage. Even stepping forward/backwards frame by frame several times will trigger high CPU.  If I wait until the CPU usage drops to zero, I can make a few edits before high CPU starts again.  But there is a lot of waiting. Exported video playback is just fine.


The only suggestion I've seen here is to set preview quality to low which I've done.


I'm using a Windows 10 desktop. It's a powerful computer: Intel Xeon, dual-processor,  6 physical cores per CPU, hyperthreading, so 24 logical processors. Quad channel memory.  I have a decent but not super-powerful graphics card. Rush does not seem to make any use of the graphics card, and uses less than half of the PC's RAM.


I know 4K is demanding, but I don't see how it would be possible to edit at all on a phone, tablet or slower PC. Am I missing something?

Desktop version , Hardware or GPU , Performance , Preview






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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 30, 2020 Jan 30, 2020

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Hi there!

Thank you for reaching out. I understand that you're having trouble with the playback in Premiere Rush.

Let us know, we're here to help.







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Community Beginner ,
Jan 30, 2020 Jan 30, 2020

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The info you requested:

Rush version 1.2.12 (Build 10)

Six MP4 clips; 4K @ 30 fps; length of 2 to 5 minutes each; total size 16 GB

Was not sync'd to cloud; but just turned on sync

The clips are visually very dense; I'll look at some other media to see if it has the same issues.


Other info:

GPU is an AMD R9 390 with 8GB VRAM. It is not being used by Rush.

Updated to latest AMD drivers today after posting this topic; same jitter problem.


I'm surprised the GPU is not listed as supported, the same chipset (mobile version) looks to be supported on Mac.






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New Here ,
Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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Any resolution? My CPU is through the roof. 80% from Adobe Rush. I can't edit at all. It freezes so badly that the program won't even close without being forced close. 5 months ago I could edit videos. It was slightly painful but tolerable. All of a sudden I can't get through 30 seconds without the program busting, and it looks like that's because my CPU can't hack it. Also Windows 10 on a pretty decent laptop! I'm at a loss, and I don't sync to the Cloud. I also don't understand how anyone could possibly do this on their phone. Thanks!





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New Here ,
Jan 15, 2023 Jan 15, 2023

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I am also having horrible freezing and SUPER LONG rendering (if it can do it without error code 3) as of 2-3 weeks ago. It was fine and then after the holidays I'm trying to edit videos for my YouTube channel and it's almost impossible. It's my GPU that is totally maxed out. CPU does not seem to be affected.

I'm running Adobe Premiere Rush version 2.6.0 (Build 52)
I have tried the following:

  • uninstalled and reinstalled Rush
  • opened the Rush project in Premier Pro to see if exporting there would be better--was even worse- 12 hours est. for a 12 minute video!
  • taken the system back to an earlier restore point before the issue began
  • updated all drivers
  • took Media Encoder back to a previous version (to try to fix the slow rendering and error codes with rendering)
  • played around with every available option in rush to make playback faster and easier- didn't help at all
  • several other potential fixes from various forums that I can't remember at this point.

here are my system specs:

  • MSI Laptop - Modern 15 A10M
  • Windows 10 Pro version 10.0.19044 Build 19044
  • provessor: Intel core i5-10210U CPU 1.60 GHz (8CPUs) ~2.1 GHz
  • Memory: 32768 mb RAM
  • 1 tb SSD hard drive (269 GB free space)

I store completed videos and data on an external drive. I've started also putting unedited data on another external drive to have space. The videos I'm editing are on the laptop's SSD.

I would really appreciate some help to figure out what is going on and why Rush is so slow and why it renders so slowly too. That part of my business has almost come to a standstill.  Thanks. 






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