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New Here ,
Jan 26, 2009 Jan 26, 2009

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How do I insert Captivate movies into RoboHelp so that they launch in a new window. I've been told that I need to use something called "baggage files." Can someone please help/explain?




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Community Expert ,
Feb 11, 2009 Feb 11, 2009

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Sorry, I've never tried it, but the help file within RH has a link to "Determining how the Adobe Captivate project appears" in what looks like the Captivate 3 help manual. I don't see any mention of "baggage" files there though.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 12, 2009 Feb 12, 2009

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The steps for inserting files into FM8 for import into RH7 are scattered around the web. The issue involves creating a single .swf file in Captivate. You cannot do this with full-motion videos, only demos. After watching the online tutorial at Adobe by Jacquez and reading Kevin Siegel's blog.

Kevin Siegel's blog entry explains how to 1) reduce the size and number of of the .swfs that you need to do this, and 2) create a single .swf. This last file is the one you need to import by reference into the FM8 project that serves as your source for integrating with an RH7 project.

Kevin's blog entry is at the following page: null Create a Single SWF File from a Captivate Project/Add Control Bar (by Kevin A. Siegel of IconLogic

Insert Captivate Video in FM8 by Reference
You can insert a Captivate video in your FM8 source document. This video is then imported as part of the project when you import into RH7. Then if you change the video, the next time you update the RH7 project, the videos are also updated.
To insert Captivate videos in an FM8 source document, do the following steps:

1. With the cursor in the spot that you want to insert the video, click File > Adobe Captivate > Insert Adobe Captivate Video.
2. Identify and select the Captivate file you want to import.
Captivate starts.
3. Click OK.
4. When the red size-window appears, click Cancel.
The FM8 screen re-displays.
5. In the Imported Graphic Scaling dialog box, click the dpi you want.
The graphic is inserted.
6. Save your work.




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Explorer ,
Jan 10, 2011 Jan 10, 2011

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Hi, Grammatophile,

I'm using TCS2 (FM8, RH7, Captivate 3) on Windows XP.

I desperately need to find out how to insert a demo into a structured FM document that will then be pushed out to RoboHelp.The link that you provided no longer works. Do you have an updated link?





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Community Expert ,
Feb 19, 2009 Feb 19, 2009

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Is there any way to have some sort of icon/button/image to act as a placeholder for the .swf so that it plays when clicked by the user in RH? I've got a demo FM file that converts nicely to RH, but when you open up the topic in the .chm, it plays the .swf automatically. Any ideas on how to stop this behaviour?




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 03, 2009 Mar 03, 2009

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Jeff, If you look at Kevin Siegel's instructions, that is exactly what occurs. There's a playbar added.

You can also add a Click to Start button in the Captivate project. This is just a splash page with a button that says click to start the video.




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