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Complex dynamic content filter with RoboHelp 2019

Enthusiast ,
Sep 12, 2019 Sep 12, 2019

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Hi all,

I have some questions regarding the output using dynamic filters. I have racked my brain on these questions for a couple of days now without getting it 😞

1. Is it possible to exclude a specific tag from what I see in the output? As far as I understand the concept, the content filter shows everything without any tag and everything with the tag I filtered for. Thus, if I e.g. use an internal tag like "tbd" in some topics, they will never be shown if a filter is set and the tag "tbd" cannot be selected. Right? Or am I doing it wrong?

2. I am trying to create a merged project containing conditional tags on content level and on topic level. Example: I am having topics for several countries US, UK, DE (= conditional tags on topic level) and in each of these topics, I am having different licensing information "perpetual", "subscription" (= conditional tags on content level). Is it possible to create an output with dynamic filters that allows the user to a) see all perpetual licensing information for all countries, b) see all perpetual licensing information for US only, c) never see perpetual AND subscription licensing info? I have tried to include a condition expression into the dynamic filter, but that seems not to be possible. Is there any way to accomplish my example?
Thanks and best regards

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