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This might be a stupid question, but it's been bothering me for 3 days.
When I start a new project from scratch every newly added topic has a 30px margin by default.
There are no margin settings in 'body' nor anywhere in default.css. There's also nothing in html itself.
I can reset it by adding the following:
margin: -30px
but that doesn't solve the puzzle.
The generated output also shows this margin.
Where is this setting coming from?
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Add the required margin(s) to the body tag of your CSS should work.
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Hi Peter,
thanks for quick feedback.
body {
margin-left: -30px;
does help indeed - it shifts the whole content to the left edge of the page, but I'm curious why I have to do this to get the full area of the screen. My common sense says body should start from the very left by default, without the negative value trick.
Btw, the same applies to top margin, which is 20px by default.
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The default setting is what Adobe deem most people will want and this is the first thread wanting to go to go much nearer to the extreme edge. Nothing wrong with that if it suits your design.
It's difficult to comment more without seeing what you are trying to achieve overall.
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Thanks Peter,
I have finally figured it out, it's a steep learning curve 😉
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Take a look at the About RoboHelp sample project. There's a lot of practical information in there about the new version. (RoboHelp Reimagined if you are on 2019).